Friday, January 18, 2019

World Premiere Interview: Laurent Caillot : Sauve!

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- Let's give some tips to new models, tell me What is the most important thing that a girl/boy should do to present herself/himslef well in castings?
I think the most important thing is to learn how to exude confidence, be personable and engaging.
looks only will more then likely not give you that extra something.

Do you have an interesting anecdote from a photo shoot, a casting or a show?
a few years back at NYCFW i was walking a show  at the tents in Bryant park for some designer I completely forgot the name of and we ( the models) were given wonder bread (!!!) to put in our underwear…apparently they were see through and that's what they came up with to make it pg 13 ( laugh)…
Image result for Laurent Caillat
- Your career is unique, what do you think made you stand out among other guys?
I think  the one thing which always played in my favor was the fact that I am a performing artist foremost ; That has always helped me in terms of "selling  the story" so to speak …Modeling just happened but that was certainly not the main plan.

Turning to some personal questions, how would you describe your way to have fun, the places you usually go, and your way to enjoy life?
I have thing for Bars in general,; the atmosphere , the smell , the encounters …I am somewhat of a night person , and I obviously love music , so anything combining those two elements will do it for me.
I also love cinema with a penchant for either french new wave authors or B action movies from the 80's (laugh)
cooking and having friends over for dinner is also something that I enjoy very much!
Image result for Laurent Caillat
Tell me about your professional plans: apart from modeling, what else would you like to pursue or are you already pursuing?
I am currently working on my debut album.which is very much a mix of nu-disco , deep house , rnb and pop.
I also do a lot of music production work for beauty and fashion brands alike. My latest collaborations include clients such as : Nars cosmetics, ByKillian, Slightly Sinister, Barell Hound ,Ducati…
In 2013 I Wrote the score to  my good friend  Francois Rousseau's 1st feature "Time of the athletes ( le temps des Athletes).
As an actor my latest work was on Paul Bettany's directorial debut "Shelter" starring his wife Jennifer Connelly; I share a small scene with her which was pretty amazing .

On the fashion industry: who are the people that you really loved to work with?
I would have loved to work with Jean-Paul Gaultier in the 90's.In my opinion, He pretty much defined the so called "generation x " from a fashion standpoint . I would love to work with Karl Lagerfeld, Tom Ford,Ozwald boateng and Georgio Armani.

- What is your favorite sport and how often do you play it?
I work out quite a bit, so i would say my daily routine at the gym.
 I also  love swimming, sparring…I use to do a lot of capoeira ( getting back to it): I have a bit of a penchant for martial arts in general and acrobatic sports ( In a previous life I was a part of the swiss national gymnastics team..))
Image result for Laurent Caillat
What is your favorite kind of movies and the last film you watched?
I love all sorts of movies…The last one that I quite fancied was "bone tomahawk" starring Kurt Russell ( I'm a big Kurt Russell fan! the best beard in the business (laugh)

Your favorite female model?

-Where have you been traveling recently?
Lately to Geneva to see my family and to the Dominican Republic to see my family as well..

Thank you for your time Laurent! I Look forward to more interview with you in the near future!! 
Image result for Laurent Caillat

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