Monday, January 21, 2019

Francisco Henriques: Hottest Male Model of 2019!

Sexy, young and infinitely stylish. These are some of the characteristics we could list down when we first encounter Portuguese model Francisco Henriques .
The face of the new Paco Rabanne Pure XS fragrance, Francisco has more than meets the eye as you’d soon find out below. At the tender age of 22, Francisco has scored an impressive list of clients including Hermès, Emporio Armani and Paco Rabanne, of course.
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In celebration of the launch of Paco Rabanne Pure XS, we got an exclusive interview with the star and we must say, “We are sold!”
From his pride for his lips to his best job as a model and him identifying with Casanova, Francisco dishes it all out in just 21 questions and boy, is he the perfect face for Paco Rabanne!
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So, who is Francisco?

I am Francisco, a 22-year-old model from Lisbon, Portugal. According to my friends, I am a nice person and a little crazy excessive (laughs)!
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Tell us a little bit about growing up in Lisbon.

I grew up in Lisbon with my parents and my young brother, Martim. My mum is from Lisbon and my dad from Angola. They are my pillars and they taught me all good manners and respecting people is key.
 How did you become a model?I was 19 years old and some friends of mine persuaded me to join a model contest. I decided to try it for fun but in the end, I didn’t win the contest. However,  I am determined to join the industry, so I work on it and here I am.
 What do you think is your most attractive feature?Mainly because of my hair now (I used to have short hair like an athlete).  But in all seriousness (laughs), I think it’s because I am mixed-race. and I think I have great lips.
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What’s your best quality and do you have any vices?

I have a lot of good qualities and it will too long to list! I would say that I’m persistent and confident (except for my English but I’m working on it). On my vices, I eat my nails and I think I’m a little of a Casanova (grins).
 What do you like and hate the most?I love to eat, I am a huge foodie and I love to eat cuisine from all around the world. My favourite dish is Arroz de pato (duck with rice). I hate fake people and the rain.
Best modelling experience so far?
Taking off my clothes with 12 girls in the Pure XS commercial was definitely the best one!
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 Who is the one female model/star you’d love to work with?                                  Without a doubt, Selena Gomez.

Who is your role model?

My dad. He taught me everything in life.
 What are you most proud of?I am not from a wealthy family, but thanks to hard work and determination, I get to be where I am today. I’m proud of that.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?

I would like to be living in Lisbon because I am truly attached to my home city.
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 You seem like the perfect man. Have you found your perfect woman?Not yet. I am still rather young.
 Is there a photographer or director that inspires you?Mario Testino. I would love to shoot with him.
 What’s the secret behind your looks?Every morning, I will definitely treat my hair with moisturiser. In fact, my father is from Angola and that’s where I got my great hair from. We’re known for that!

How do you stay in such great shape?

I am a foodie, so I try to balance with plenty of workouts. I’m not the best example when it comes to dieting. I love so much food that I’m not even sure I could restrict myself to a  proper diet at all.
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Are you an athletic person?

I do like playing tennis and surfing, but what I love the most is soccer. I used to play a lot when I was a kid and, at one point, wanted to become a professional soccer player. But it seems that I wasn’t good enough to make it. I hope I will be a better model than a soccer player.
 A product you cannot live without?Definitely Pure XS. It is my seduction weapon.
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 How would you define seduction?It is a game I love to play. Seduction is all about charm. My tactic is never to let them know that I am interested and at the same time, always treat her with respect.

Are you a romantic?

Actually, I am. For every first date, I am always come with flowers (grins).
 If you can be another man, who would you be?                   Leonardo Dicaprio.
 And finally, what is one motto you live by?Think positive, and positive things will come to you.
Image result for francisco henriquesImage result for francisco henriquesFrancisco Henriques for Fashion for Men

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