Saturday, December 29, 2018

Y&R Fired Mal Young!

Image result for The Young and the Restless news brings joyful tidings today. Multiple sources report Mal Young is
The Young and the Restless news brings joyful tidings today. Multiple sources report Mal Young is fired! Sexism and misogyny backstage at the CBS soap is one reason claimed. However, tumbling ratings and unhappy sponsors and fans are likely to blame as well. Although Y&R claims its ratings are just fine, the numbers tell another story. Mal Young has lower ratings than what got Jill Farren Phelps fired. Here’s what we know.


Young and the Restless – Mal Young Axed

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Behind the scenes at Y&R, it looks like CBS is bringing back Josh Griffith to replace the showrunner just shoved out. CBS added Mal Young as a consultant, then after a few months, they axed JFP and pushed the UK TV scribe into her chair. Then they also made him headwriter giving him total control of the show. For most fans, that was the start of the worst seasons on Young and the Restless in its history. Now Griffith, most recently a co-head writer at Days of Our Lives, will steer the show.
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Highlight Hollywood got the inside scoop from an unnamed source at The Young and the Restless. It’s great “Mal is gone”, said the source, There are still “untalented people in charge, who are doing nothing but playing games and looking out for family members and cronies”. The insider also quipped: “They can’t make a good decision under any circumstances”. Fans have been saying the same thing for months about the lack of talent and troublesome storylines. Now someone on the inside validated their concerns.
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Mal Young Shielded by Les Moonves?

More info leaking from CBS/Sony says that Les Moonves was shielding Mal Young. The disgraced CBS exec was fired for sexual harassment allegations that are still pouring out. It seems he was taking advantage of women from his position of power for decades. A Sony insider said that tarnished Moonves can no longer “protect his favorite people over at CBS any longer and more heads will roll”. Given longstanding rumors of sexism on the Y&R set, it’s not surprising if it turns out Moonves and Mal Young were buddies.

The same source seems to know about the alleged bad behavior at The Young and the Restless. They confirmed “months of misogyny toward cast and crew and production executives”.
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 Then added, “few are sorry to see him go”. Fans should be cheering this firing. Interestingly, a new Y&R promo video was titled “Christmas miracle”. Ironically, that’s the last promo we should see from the disgraced director and many will see it as miraculous that Young is finally gone. Another source says to expect an announcement from Mal Young that “he retired”.Related imageImage result for The Young and the Restless 2018
Image result for The Young and the Restless 2018Image result for The Young and the Restless 2018Image result for The Young and the Restless 2018

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