Monday, November 5, 2018

Interview with Top Model/Fitness Guru: Valeriu Gutu!

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Fitness guru and top model VALERIU GUTU sits down for an exclusive interview. Valeriu who’s represented by RED Models in New York is the founder of a much talked about fitness application VGFIT. .Valeriu sits down to talk about his favourite sports and exercise routines, the rise of his workout application VGFIT and future plans.
What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is definitely soccer, I’ve been playing it since I was 5 years love. I really love the team work and energy behind the game.

What exercise do you do to get a sculpted body?
When it comes to working out my favorite exercise is from weight lifting. I love including Olympic lifts in my workout.

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What’s the best exercise to get a six pack?
To get better six pack you need to take care of your diet and of course do abs crunches.
So, what’s your tip for pushing yourself in a workout?
When working out I use the power of momentum, the power of time and regret.

What’s the ideal diet?
When it comes to diet its to eliminate sugar and emotional eating.

What’s the best post-workout meal?
After workout I like preparing five eggs with avocado.

Do you believe in dietary supplements? 
I do not.

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Overall what’s your ritual for taking care of your body?
Morning rituals are very important me, it’s a saying If you win the morning you win the day! I schedule my workout before 8 am so I make sure I block my time and follow the plan. I don’t like the procrastination. I believe discipline is the key to success and self control.
You are a founder of VGFIT app, how did you come to creating an app in the 1st place?
I like working with people and the app is an opportunity to create a community.  VGFIT is about working with many people and helping them on their way to get healthier physically and mentally.
What are your future plans for VGFIT?
Next goal is to make VGFIT more social and motivate people to keep working on themselves.
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Which three beauty products could you not live without?
Hair gel, face cleaning gel, and face moisturizer.
What’s your favorite perfume?
My favourite fragrance comes from Tom Ford.
Any guilty pleasures?
Yes, I do love good dessert, chocolate brownies are my favorite!
Which Instagram accounts motivate you?
I keep up with Cristiano Ronaldo’s Instagram account.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from today?
I see my self striving for greatness and being happy with my family. Keep working and grinding. Also, focusing on my personal brand and staying open to new opportunities. Keeping up with good habits to become a better me.
Keep up with Valeriu @valeriu_gutu
Image result for VALERIU GUTUImage result for VALERIU GUTU

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