Sunday, September 9, 2018

Interview: Male SuperModel Frank Englund

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Elite Model Frank England stands at 6’2 and hails from Downingtown Pennsylvania. After attending James Madison University Frank was signed with Elite Model Management. Frank is making his rounds in the modeling industry and spent time from his busy schedule to answer a few questions on the guy behind the face. Photography shot by Fritz Yap, Tony Veloz, Caroline Simmons, Josh Filauri, and Joel Code.
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What do you love most about modeling?
There are a lot of things I love about modeling. First would be the traveling. I have an opportunity to travel the world and meet people from all different cultures and backgrounds, I’ve met so many amazing people already, I love it. Second, it’s an opportunity for me to really push myself physically and see what I am capable of accomplishing with my body. I always planned on being an athletic trainer or doing something within training, this is a chance for me to focus my training on myself and see what I can do. Third, there is no ceiling in the modeling industry.
You can make absolutely no money as a working model, or on the flip side you can make ridiculous money, you just don’t know what kind of jobs are going to come your way. That both scares and excites me. And fourth I would say modeling is a great platform to positively impact people. Many models have huge social media followings; I see that as an opportunity to use your following in a positive way to help people.
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What keeps you motivated?
There isn’t a whole lot to keep you motivated in this industry outside of yourself. My family and friends are supportive which helps, but there are so many ups and downs in this industry. I see models quitting right and left because they can’t handle the stress of the industry. The thing that keeps me going is never being content. I know every day that I can be better, and I know agencies see that in me and I truly believe it will take me far in this industry. I also don’t compare myself to other people within the industry. A lot of models will say they aren’t as good looking, in shape, pretty, tall…etc as someone else and end up going crazy thinking that way.
What were the major milestones that gave you that “extra” motivational boost?
I am fairly new to the industry, so I wouldn’t say I’ve had a ton of “milestones” per say. Signing my first two international contracts were big, I signed in both Mexico City and Germany. The most recent milestone would have to be shooting with Mike Ruiz. He is a celebrity in the world of photography and has shot the very top guys in the industry as well as celebrities. Sean Opry, Lucky B Smith, Mike Ohearn, and Chris Hemsworth to name just a few, the list goes on. He chose me to shoot for his most recent project, it’s a true honor.
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What are your future goals, dreams and plans?
My immediate future goals are simple. I need to make my rounds in the three major US markets which are NYC, LA and Miami. I am currently in Miami now. I also need to spend some time in the European market. I just need to do all I can to get my name out there in the industry and let people know who Frank Englund is.
What does your current training split look like, and what do you like most abou it?
I change up my splits fairly regularly so my body never gets used to what I’m doing. As of now I’m doing a classic split of just isolating one body part per day. Cardio and diet are extremely important to keep me lean for modeling, so I do some form of cardio every day and dedicate two days/week specifically for cardio. An average week will look like this for me:
Monday: Legs/Cardio
Tuesday: Chest/Cardio
Wednesday: Cardio/Core
Thursday: Back/Cardio
Friday: Shoulders/Cardio
Saturday: Cardio/Core
Sunday: light cardio/full body stretch and recovery.

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What are some of your best tips for someone who wants to break into the modeling world?
Control what you can control. There are a lot of good looking people out there, but your physique is what can separate you from the rest, and that is in your control. Network and be sociable. Clients may originally hire you for your looks, but if you are stuck up or have a dry personality you won’t get rehired. The people hiring you are just that, people. Nobody wants to work with people they don’t like.
What’s the best advice you would give to someone wanting ripped or shredded abs?
The saying “abs are made in the kitchen” is 100% true. Get your diet in check before anything else.
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What does your off-season bulking (eating) plan look like?
I don’t do an off season. I have to be cut and lean 24/7 365 days/year for this job. My diet and training stays consistent year round.
What does your cutting (eatting) plan look like?
If I’m really trying to dial in for a shoot I know will be focused on my body Ill cut back calories slightly, but not much. The only thing I add into my training routine will be quick nightly HIIT workouts to get my metabolism firing before bed.
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What are some of the biggest training mistakes you’ve made?
I’ve made every training mistake in the book. I was just as naïve as anyone when I first started. When I first started training I ignored the diet aspect completely. I was being stupid and as a result I didn’t yield any of the results I was looking for. You can’t out train a bad diet.
What are some of your favorite supplements and why?
Every supplement I use is from a company called IDLife. They are the first to bring about customized nutritional supplements based on science to the market. All products are 100% natural, non GMO, gluten free, casein free, soy free, and lactose free. They are the only supplements I 100% trust to put into my body and know I’m not consuming anything harmful. That goes for both nutritional and training supplements.  All products can be ordered at
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Favorite activites and hobbies you enjoy when away from the gym?
Away from the gym I love to be outdoors. Stand up paddle boarding and sailing two of my favorite activities. Other than that I spend a lot of time with family and friends.
What newbie mistakes did you make when you first started modeling?
When I first started modeling I was “too muscular” for the industry. My agent told me that over and over but I ignored her because in my male brain I thought the more muscle the better. I finally listed to her and leaned out and what do you know…she was right haha!
Any last advice for beginners or anyone looking to get into modeling?
Just do it. If it is something you want to pursue take digitals of yourself, send them into an agency and get some feed back. If they say no move on to a different agency. Have a personality when you meet with people, it goes a long way. And like I said before, control what you can control.
Any upcoming projects you are working on?
I am very new to the Miami market. I’m currently working with my agency to build my social media platform and get as much publicity down here as possible. I’m excited for what Miami will bring.
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