Sunday, September 23, 2018

Falcon Crest: the Next Classic to be Revived?!

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Will FALCON CREST Be The Next Classic Soap Opera To Be Revived?
With the success of TNT’s Dallas reboot ended after the death of Larry Hagman who played the best villain in television history, J.R. Ewing and now Dynasty reboot now comes word out of TV Guide that the uber-popular drama in the vineyards of Northern California, Falcon Crest may live to see another day! 
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 According to TVG and chats with former series star William Moses, and the beloved Susan Sullivan, several of the cast has been contacted to see if there is interestto revive the series that aired on CBS primetime from 1981-1990!
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William Moses related, “There’s not much I can say, for reasons that go beyond myself.  Warner Bros. owns the rights and so it’s a discussion between them and the writers. There is a pitch and an idea germinating that has some traction. The producers contacted me to ask if I’d be interested, and I said yes. Where it goes on the producing side, I don’t know.” Susan Sullivan, who played Moses’ TV mother, Maggie,  was killed off the series, her involvement would only be as  ghost of sorts in the mind of surviving characters.
In story, the revival is said to focus on Moses’ Cole Gioberti and David Selby’s Richard Channing, son of the matriarch Angela (the late Jane Wyman).
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“David and I speak periodically and are old friends and it would be fascinating for me to work with him again,” says Moses, whose character exited the series after six seasons. “Life was too small for Cole in the vineyards, so he went to Australia to form a new life. Because the character was left open-ended, I would be curious to see what that boy became as a man. I can see him coming back to the valley with a chip on his shoulder.”
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