Wednesday, August 8, 2018

World Premiere Interview: Arran Sly: Male SuperModel

I sit down for an exclusive  interview with top model ARRAN SLY to talk about the start of the beginning of his career, favourite supermodels and lego.
Who is Arran Sly?
Umm… is this one of those abstract questions. I don’t know, just keep on reading and maybe you’ll find out!
How were you discovered?
I was discovered whilst walking around London one sunny afternoon I was pounced on by Cesar Perin. Luck was on my side since he is the best scout/agent/friend that one could ever hope for!
What have you learnt from the modelling industry?
To let go of things. Modeling puts you in many different situations with many different people, so it’s best to let go of any inhibitions and just go with the flow.
Did becoming a model change your life in any way?
Of course! It has given me a bunch of incredible experiences, many of which I look back on and laugh about. But the greatest change, I think, would be the traveling. I have visited many places that I never would have had the opportunity to see otherwise.
If you weren’t a model what would you be?
Who knows! But my plan was to move into a career in finance after graduating from University. Then, once I had saved up enough money, open up an outdoor adventure playground! I wonder if that would have worked out.
Best modelling advice you could give to models starting their career?
Try to treat it as a real business. When you are a model, you are the product; so you must market yourself with that in mind. This also helps to detach from taking things too personally.

Who’s your favorite Supermodel?
It may be somewhat cliché, but I like David Gandy. I just remember him during the London 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony, walking along beside a bunch of other supermodels, but he was the only fella. That was just real cool to me.
What is your downtime like?
Pretty random. Depends on where I am and who I’m with. I’ve started to go fishing recently, trying to catch a monster.
Which cities do you spend the most time in?
Most major cities between Europe and the US. London still remains my favourite.
What are your beauty essentials?
I am a fan of eye-whitening drops. They really brighten up an appearance; especially when lacking proper rest. And, of course, a good face wash and moisturiser is a must!
Your personal passion or hidden talents?
Nature and the environment are a passion of mine. I don’t really have any hidden talents, if I am good at something I generally let people know about it! One thing I used to do is fire breathing and fire “twirling” – I don’t think many people know about that.
What are you up to these days besides modelling?
For quite a while now I have been involved in jewelry and, specifically, the technology side of the industry. I use software to design and render pieces that can later be manufactured – starting with a 3D printer. It’s amazing how the industry has developed in recent years.
Ten years from now (you will be…)?
I’d like to have a family of my own. I have always wanted children and I look forward to playing with their toys. I miss my Lego.

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