Monday, August 13, 2018

Premiere interview: Pedro Soltz: Brazilian Male Model

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Pedro Soltz is a Brazilian model. He started  his professional modeling career when he was  19 years old, then interrupted it to for a while to complete his studies but later  he decided to come back to modeling.  He has worked for a great number of clients such as Barilla, Gilette, Etam, Datch, designers like Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace and photographers like Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott just to mention some.  Last year he became very popular in Italy thanks to the participation in the reality show 'L'Isola dei Famosi' (as a guest and friend of the colleague Tyago Alves). He is engaged to the model, Iris Cekus, and became a father three monts  ago. Following here my interview with him.
-Hello Pedro, I'm really flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my blog!, to start this interview off, please give me some background information.
   Image result for PEDRO SOLTZ
"I'm engaged to the Croatian model,  Iris Cekus and we just got a baby girl..."

"My first modeling job as professional was when I was 19. The funny part was the casting !! It was my first casting, was for a campaign and the designer took my book looking at me!!..."
Image result for PEDRO SOLTZ
"Thanks to my job I had an opportunity to be, to see, to live, to "feel" a big part of the world, in my opinion that is just amazing and you start to understand more..."

Hello guys, its a pleasure to share with you a little bit of my life!! My name is Pedro Soltz, I'm 27 and from Belo Horizonte, Brazil!! My family still lives there and we are in 5, 3 brothers and 2 sisters!! I'm engaged to the Croatian model,  Iris Cekus and we just got a baby girl that will complete 3 months in one week!! I studied engineering. business and after all I decided to model!! Interesting what life prepares to us, han ??!!
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-When did you start modeling? Was becoming a model  your idea or someone suggested it?It happened in both ways in different periods. Being invited first and after long time deciding!! First of all, when I was 15 I was invited to do my first job and some other jobs, then when I was 19 I was discovered by an international scouter and I decided to leave the country to see how it would be that experience but 6 months later I decided to come back to finish my studies and finally when I was 23 y.o. I really "decided" to come back to business and since then it is my main job and what I love to do!!!

Do you remember your first modeling job?How could I forget it !?  My first modeling job as professional was when I was 19. The funny part was the casting !! It was my first casting, was for a campaign and the designer took my book looking at me!! He went through the pages keeping eyes on me, then when he reached the white pages (at that time I had just a test in my book with 5 pictures) he stopped and  still looking at me he said: "This one is your best picture" (it was a white page)  and gave me back the book !!! Hahahahaha!! For me it was too funny !!! I couldn't believe it but in the end, I got the job !!! Don't ask me why maybe he was joking or I don't know what!!!
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-Just for curiosity, can you tell me what you bought with your very first earning as a model?I started to buy my independence !!!

-What kind of assignments, as a model, do you prefer? 
I love to do what I do and I enjoy every kind of job but what I like more are the TV commercials !!!!
-How would you describe yourself as a person, which adjectives would you use? I think that I'm writing my story and to describe myself is hard since this story is not over yet!! Anyway, I would tell I'm a very true person !!
-I'm sure you travel alot, what has been the most interesting place you have visited so far?Thanks to my job I had an opportunity to be, to see, to live, to "feel" a big part of the world, in my opinion that is just amazing and you start to understand more, and to see you are a part of a big world full of differences but beautiful differences what makes it so rich of culture and also by the time you start to see the world trough different eyes, "tasting  opinions" and feeling everywhere is home !! I think everything I saw is amazing, every place with its own characteristics and peculiarities but just to mention some place: was really interesting to see Jerusalem, the place where Jesus was crucified, the differences about the city and the old city, the wall in the middle of the city that separates Jewish from Muslim people !!! Everything surrounded just by rocks and desert !!!
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-When you're away from home, what do you miss the most?I think my answer is kind of stupid coz is exactly the question itself what I miss more when I'm not home is home !!! You know what I mean? The feeling, the energy, the vibration that we just have at home with people that make part and create this home !!
-What is your favorite sport? Do you only watch it or do you play it too?I love sports in general  and I practice lots of them but you know, I'm Brazilian, what means soccer is in my blood, I love to play it and to watch it !!!

What kind of music do you like? What is your current favorite song?Man, I like several kinds, coz in my opinion every moment deserves a different kind of music but I should admit I love surf music !!!
-Thanks Pedro for taking the time to reply to my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!
I thank you so much, it was a pleasure to share a little bit of my life with you!
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