Sunday, August 12, 2018

Exclusive Interview: Photographer Joseph Lally

Image result for Joseph Lally photographer
Hello Joseph.  Would you like to introduce yourself to my readers?
My name is Joseph Lally.  I am a photographer, writer and film-maker and I would add: explorer into the mystery of existence.
Image result for Joseph Lally photographer
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
It begins at night when I am dreaming data that I am transcribing into a book about existence on Planet Earth and the surrounding galaxies.  Then day time is my life here in 3D which can be daunting at times considering what takes place on Earth.  I often feel like an alien.

How did you discover photography when you were younger? 
My grandmother gave me a camera and I started taking art pictures at age 8 that she would have the drug store develop them.

What was it about this creative medium that made you want to pursue a career in photography?
Stopping time and capturing a moment to be re-examined.
Image result for Joseph Lally photographer
When you first started out were you influenced/inspired by a certain photographers work?   

Who are some of the creatives working in the industry today that never fail to thrill you with their creativity?
Steven Klein.  Jurgen Teller.
Related image
How would you describe your photographic style? 
An extension of my desires.

Are there certain themes that carry through your work?
Intense beauty.

You have photographed many a gorgeous model, Joseph. What characteristics do you look for in a model when considering them for a shoot?
Intensity and the ability to draw you in and hold you.
Can you think of any favorite models you adore shooting?  And if so, why?
Tyson Ballou, Simon Nessman, Dorian Reeves, Jarrod Scott, Lydia Hearst, Daphne Guinness and more!

Thanks Joseph!
Which model working today in the industry, that you haven't yet photographed, would you die to work with tomorrow?
Josh Button
I’d love to hear more about your new magazine, Lally Pop?
It is a combination of tumblr, flipbook and a blog in which I shoot everything and even write for.  I want it to be provocative but in good taste.

Where do you find inspiration for the editorials you feature in the magazine?
The model must inspire me or I am lost.

Would you say it takes a certain type of person to be able to work in this industry?
Yes, a bit insane and a bit in a dream world and yet logical and grounded.
Image result for Joseph Lally photographer
If you weren't a photographer you would probably be..................?
A writer.  I have many projects that I am in the process of "getting produced".

How do you like to spend your time when not working?
With people I love.

A guilty pleasure you can’t seem to quit?
The internet

A song that makes your heart skip a beat?
The internal music of consciousness.

If the world were coming to an end and you were allowed one last kiss, who would be lucky enough to land on your lips?

What happens next?
LALLY POP MAGAZINE EXPANDS: we've only just begun.

Thanks Joseph!
Image result for Joseph Lally photographer

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