Monday, February 26, 2018

Most Scandalous Fueds in the Fashion Industry!

<p>Chanel might have more name recognition now, but back in the day, the two designers were fearsome rivals on the Paris fashion scene. Some said Schiap was the bolder and more innovative of the two, which might have had something to do with Chanel setting her on fire. (By "accidentally" bumping her into a candelabra at a party; other guests extinguished her dress with soda water.) No matter who was the greater talent, though, both contributed volumes to the art of shade, with Chanel calling Schiap "that Italian artist who makes clothes."</p>
Most Scandalous Feuds the Fashion Industry Has Ever Witnessed!
With Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon set to duke it out on the small screen and 2017 being generally very dramatic, embroiling yourself in a festering disagreement and being petty until both parties are too old to remember why they hate each other in the first place has become The Thing to Do. But if you're down to beef on a grander scale than subtweeting, look no further than the following  fashion feuds for inspiration. (But being kind could be cool too.)

Yves Saint Laurent v. Tom Ford
The way Ford tells it, the two started out friendly after the future Nocturnal Animals director took the reins of YSL in 1999. However, things iced over when Ford began to "deviate" from what his predecessor felt was appropriate for the brand. "I do have some letters in his hand," Ford said in an interview with CNBC. "I remember one line was 'in 13 minutes you've destroyed 40 years of my work' or 'my life's work' or something like that." Savage.

PETA v. Anyone Who Uses Fur
Aside from leaving angry comments on any Instagrams that depict the skins of chinchillas and other critters, the animal rights group has famously protested shows, flour-bombed Anna Wintour and Kim Kardashian, and rushed the stage like the dude pictured here at Randolph Duke in 2000. Oh, and never forget that one time they served Wintour a raccoon at the Four Seasons. (They really have it out for her, if you haven't noticed.) 

<p>Chanel might have more name recognition now, but back in the day, the two designers were fearsome rivals on the Paris fashion scene. Some said Schiap was the bolder and more innovative of the two, which might have had something to do with Chanel setting her on fire. (By "accidentally" bumping her into a candelabra at a party; other guests extinguished her dress with soda water.) No matter who was the greater talent, though, both contributed volumes to the art of shade, with Chanel calling Schiap "that Italian artist who makes clothes."</p>
Coco Chanel v. Elsa Schiaparelli
Chanel might have more name recognition now, but back in the day, the two designers were fearsome rivals on the Paris fashion scene. Some said Schiap was the bolder and more innovative of the two, which might have had something to do with Chanel setting her on fire. (By "accidentally" bumping her into a candelabra at a party; other guests extinguished her dress with soda water.) No matter who was the greater talent, though, both contributed volumes to the art of shade, with Chanel calling Schiap "that Italian artist who makes clothes."

<p>It's a tale as old as time: young person works for older person; the Old writes a story in a magazine accusing the Young of plagiarism. The accusations didn't end in print though—verbally, James <a href="" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">would call Halston</a> "that thief, that copycat." But the notoriously difficult designer didn't like Diana Vreeland, either, so at least he had great taste. </p>
Halston v. Charles James
It's a tale as old as time: young person works for older person; the Old writes a story in a magazine accusing the Young of plagiarism. The accusations didn't end in print though—verbally, James would call Halston "that thief, that copycat." But the notoriously difficult designer didn't like Diana Vreeland, either, so at least he had great taste. 
<p>In another tale that's also pretty enduring, a husband and wife start a brand together that achieves success. They divorce. The husband launches a different brand that is sort of similar to the first. A nasty legal battle ensues, and the two ultimately settle, but it's still rather awk. </p>

Tory Burch v. Chris Burch
In another tale that's also pretty enduring, a husband and wife start a brand together that achieves success. They divorce. The husband launches a different brand that is sort of similar to the first. A nasty legal battle ensues, and the two ultimately settle, but it's still rather awk. 

Karl Lagerfeld v. Yves Saint Laurent
Since they competed for a design prize as teens (a win for Yves), the two legends have battled it out in business *and* love (they both chased after Jacques de Bascher). Sometimes Saint Laurent would come out on top, sometimes Lagerfeld. Whatever reason for the frenemy-ism, it did last for five decades, which is longer than most relationships.

Tyra Banks v. Naomi Campbell
This was before people realized it's uncool to pit women against one another and that the proverbial town is definitely big enough for more than one black model, so it might be mostly fiction. But the rumors suggest Campbell would say nasty things to the younger model and have her fired from jobs, which she denied when she appeared on Banks' talk show in the early 2000s. All seems well now, though, with Banks saying she "got a lot of answers and it has started my healing from all of the devastating rumors and gossip and rivalry and pain that I've experienced. I've started to heal and I think Naomi has, too."

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