Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Young And The Restless Characters We Wish Would Come Back To Life!

There is nothing more shocking than when a soap opera characters returns. More often than not, their comeback goes hand-in-hand with an explosive storyline or shocking angle. Characters can return to town for a plot of revenge, or are simply resurrected from death at times to shock love interests and family. Coming back from the dead is not a new thing in the land of daytime drama and, despite the finality of death, nothing is ever final when it comes to soap operas. As such, below is a list of seven Young and the Restless (Y&R) characters we wish would come back to life.

7. Sabrina Costelana

Sabrina had a short, but powerful stint on Y&R. She started off as Victoria’s BFF and then moved onto Victor. The two had an endearing love affair, but sadly Sabrina met her demise in 2009. Victor was quite smitten with Sabrina and despite the finality of her death, a return would certainly mix things up nicely in Genoa City. Victor is in a good place when it comes to daughter Vicky and soul mate Nikki, so having Sabrina come back would definitely mix things up tremendously.

6. Sheila Carter

Sheila was a villainess who stalked and tried to ruin Lauren Fenmore’s life. We can’t deny how interesting Sheila made things over the years in Genoa City (not to mention in the Bold and the Beautiful as well). Sheila is one of those characters that can seemingly escape death, and despite the fact that Lauren shot her in 2007, it’s hard for fans to ignore the fact that Sheila’s final taunting words to her nemesis was that she would never be able to get rid of her. Could Sheila make a comeback someday and return from the dead? Anything is possible, and if she were to return, she would bring a whole lot of drama along with her.

5. Sage Newman

Sage’s death last year shocked Y&R fans to their very core. She was a huge fan favorite because she hadn’t been with the show too long, and her character was just starting to build momentum. Her death caused fans to wonder if the truth about Sully/Christian would ever reveal itself. A lot has changed since then. Christian’s true identity was revealed … well, sort of. It was acknowledged that Sully was Christian, the baby Sage and Nick seemingly lost; however, the secret of Christian’s true paternity still lingers. It is bound to come out with or without Sage, but having Sage around when the chips do fall would be an interesting twist.

4. Delia Abbott

It is a very rare occurrence for children to come back from the dead in soaps and with the way Delia passed away, it is highly unlikely. However, after all these years it still seems quite surreal that the little girl with so much spunk died in 2014. While the aftermath of her death has been an interesting watch, one can’t help but wonder how different Genoa City would be if the little girl survived. Adam would not be dead, Vicky and Billy might still be happily married, Chloe may not have lost her marbles – and would baby Isabella even be here? It would be a nice thought to bring the little girl back and erase all of the pain many have suffered over the years.

3. Diane Jenkins

Much like Sheila Carter, Diane wasn’t a heroine in Genoa City, but she certainly knew how to stir the drama pot and a comeback would have Victor and Nikki Newman, Jack Abbott, and other town powerhouses shaking in their boots. Alas, Diane’s death was quite final and a sort of murder mystery at the time where fingers were pointed at the most prominent members of Genoa City. This is the land of soaps, so anything is possible – and no one is ever really dead. Diane could always come back to create even more trouble on the Y&R.

2. Brad Carlton

Don Diamont (the actor who played Brad) is quite busy right now on the Bold and the Beautiful, but if you are a Y&R fan who doesn’t watch that show, then you might be missing Carlton even more. What can one say about the character? Well, he was business savvy, charming, handsome, and very entertaining to watch on screen. He romanced pretty much every leading lady in Genoa City (at one point or another) and the resurrection of Brad Carlton would have Y&R fans swooning everywhere!

1. Adam Newman

There is so much going on with the Adam Newman character right now even though he’s technically dead. His wife’s BFF played a huge role in his death and his brother is not only raising his son, but has also made the moves on his wife. He died in an explosive cabin, but his body was never found which is a huge sign that Adam is one of those characters who could easily come back from the dead. Seriously, Adam is one of those complicated characters: you hate him one day and love him the next. Whether he’s played by Michael Muhney or Justin Hartley … or maybe someone else … most Y&R fans would love to see this character return from the dead. Oh, the drama that would ensue!

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