Friday, December 1, 2017

Bruce Weber Sue for Sexual Harrassment!

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In the latest edition of when-will-this-end-I-thought-you-were-cool, Bruce Weber is the newest high profile man to be accused of sexual harassment.
The Post reports male model Jason Boyce is suing the famous fashion photographer for inappropriate touching during a December 2014 "casting" at Weber's apartment. Boyce alleges Weber claimed Boyce looked "tense," eventually pressuring him to both remove his clothes and rub his own genitals — Weber was 68 and Boyce 28 at the time.
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The complaint details that Weber allegedly told Boyce he'd "go far" if he had the confidence, whispering, "How far do you want to make it? How ambitious are you?" Boyce also claims Weber put his fingers in the model's mouth and kissed him as he was leaving the apartment.
"Upon information and belief, Mr. Weber has engaged in similar conduct with other male models referred to him by Mr. Kanner and Soul Artist, and Mr. Kanner and Soul Artist are aware of such conduct," the court papers read.
Boyce claims that he experienced significant anxiety and became depressed after the experience, ultimately resulting in him leaving New York for California. Bruce Weber has not yet responded to the allegations.
Image result for Jason Boyce male model

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