Saturday, November 11, 2017

7 facts about Charles Laurent Marchand

 Image result for Charles-Laurent Marchand
It wasn’t that long ago that male model Charles Laurent Marchand’s  revealing photographs showing his massive assets hit the web. The imagery certainly caught the attention of many people, including ours!
But beyond his deep blue eyes and pretty blond hair, what do you really know about him? Is there more to this man than just his massive largeness?
Given interest in this stud, GPB decided to do some research and present 7 facts about Charles Laurent Marchand you might not know.
Image result for Charles-Laurent Marchand
After all, behind every pretty face is a human story!


Birthday: October 13, 1991, France
Zodiac: Libra
Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Eyes: Light Blue
Height: 6’0
Shoe Size: 12 (Rumored)
Body Type: Athletic Jock 

1. Fashion Model
Mr. Marchand is known for his work with the AIM Model Agency in NYC. A boutique outfit, the company is credited for having an eye for attractive male talent.

Back in 2015, a series of color and black and white photographs that were taken by photographer Michael Del Buono hit the web, which in many ways helped to introduce Marchand to the world.
Image result for Charles-Laurent Marchand

2. Catwalk Debut Half Dressed

Mr. Marchand gained massive attention after appearing at the MT Costello Fashion show. The reason?
He strutted down the catwalk
with nothing but a robe on, covering his manhood with only his right hand (which didn’t exactly cover it all.) FYI: Costello gained is claim to fame as the finalist on the eight season of Project Runway.

3. World Traveler
Mr. Marchand has either visited or lived in a number of different cities around the world.
His Instagram page is a virtual collection of postcards from different destination points, including Las Vegas, Puerto Rico, California and South America.
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4. Extremely Hot Instagram Mates

When you take a peek at Mr. Marchand’s Instagram account, you will notice a number of insanely attractive friends. But there is one particular swoonworthy guy that (aside from Charles) that stands out. His name is Jaye Kaye, a jewelry accessory fashion designer associated with the European outfit, Seven50 Group. What’s their relationship, if any? Are they buddies, brothers? More?
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5. Dog Lover

We couldn’t help but notice a number of photographs with the model that featured him with different dogs. In case you don’t know, Marchand has a pooch.
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6. Loves the Outdoors

Marchand is a Libra; a sign that is associated with harmony and peace. By definition, Libra’s like balance. One way this particular Air sign creates amity in life is by spending time outdoors, especially by water.

7. So Called “Water Bottle Peen Leak”

In December of 2016, a series of photographs of Mr. Marchand “leaked” onto the web. Some have dubbed these the “Scruff” photos. We can’t show the pics here (sorry, our advertisers don’t like that) but we can tell you how to find them.
There’s no question about it – the French born model has extremely MASSIVE assets.
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But you know what else?
Our sense is, based on the totality of his photographs, coupled with non-scientific analysis, is that Mr. Marchand has a lot more going on than just his hugeness.
Inside, there is a person who is deeply intellectual, highly focused and has a knack for business. Perhaps in the future, we will see more of this side from him in the future?
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