Monday, August 28, 2017

Steven Klein - Games & Restrictions

Memory of Charles DeVoe

It will be 7 years that the Modeling World lost its one of the best Male Model on the Runway. A stunningly handsome male model who spent a month in a coma after a surfing accident in the Rockaways has died, sources said Monday.
Charles DeVoe 28, had been hospitalized since incident. He died Friday.
FDNY divers had to cut DeVoe free after his ankle tether became snagged on a wooden pole. He was in the water for several minutes before he could be rescued.
DeVoe's agent, Jason Kanner, called DeVoe "a lovely kid who was respected and loved by many."
"This is a stunning and tragic loss for all those who loved and cared for him," Kanner said.

DeVoe came to New York in 2004 to pursue modeling and immediately made a splash.
He signed to Major Model Management and posed for fashion photography heavyweights like Bruce Weber, Steven Klein and Mario Testino.

The Painted Zebra – Daphne Guinness interview
In the digital age the link between fashion and film has never been stronger: talents move from the art house screen to the editorial page on a daily basis and the influx of creativity is changing both mediums. Director Joseph Lally takes the symbiotic relationship a step further, casting male models Tyson Ballou, Michael Brager, Charles Devoe, Cory Bond, Travis Hanson alongside fashion legend Daphne Guiness in his film, The Black and White Maze of the Painted Zebra.
Exploring the illusion of reality and the trappings of fame, the film offers a subversive look at the the current fixation with celebrity and the limits of reality. Interviewed the film’s star Daphne Guinness, about the role of the moving image in the world of fashion, how it felt to be in front of the camera and what it will be like to get ready in the window of Barneys this afternoon.
One of Zebra’s themes deals with the trapping of celebrity life, how did that topic resonate with you on a personal level?
Daphne: The idea of your mistakes and vulnerabilities being public, and the public only knowing one aspect of your personality when your real life is falling apart bit by bit.
As a filmmaker yourself, what was it like to be in front of the camera for this project?
Daphne: Love any part of the processes. When the process stops I will be dead. I perceive life to be a process and this is the path I have chosen.
What do you feel the role of film is within fashion right now? How do you think that role has changed in the past few years?
Daphne: Fashion has only just realized that it can use film as a medium. In the days of the studio, the clothes were an integral part of the story, now much of the time it is an add on but I feel that clothes are just as much a part of the narrative.
How do you feel about your window dressing moment at Barneys today? Daphne: I am terrified!!

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017

A cold, rainy evening didn’t dampen the smiles of these gorgeous models looking to walk for a good cause. Onboard the USS Intrepid, the 13th annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares silent auction and fashion show dived right into honoring activist Peter Staley and raising money for LGBT charities. 
Tickets to Paris, luxury goods, broadway tickets, gym memberships – you name it and it was up for the bidding war, hosted by actor, Andrew Rannells. With a diverse casting by Andrew Weir, Kevin Tachman, captures the mayhem backstage as Chad White, Parker Gregory, Adonis Bosso, Jarrod Scott, and a band of charming beaus let loose before hitting the runway.

In the Woodshop with SuperModel Brian Shimansky

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Eight years ago, Brian Shimansky’s life took a sharp and unexpected turn, and he has John Mayer to thank for that. Then a recent college graduate, Shimansky was all set to start a business advisory job in the fall of 2008, looking ahead to a life of weeks on the road shuttling between offices, when he was scouted at a Mayer concert and decided to go all in. “About a week after that, I met Jason Kanner [then at Major Models, now of Soul Artist Management New York, he immediately said yes, and I never looked back from there,” Shimansky recalls.
Shimansky quickly picked up attention from major photographers like Mario Testino, Milan Vukmirovic, and Giampaolo Sgura, and went on to become a favorite of Bruce Weber and Steven Klein. In 2012, he booked a fragrance campaign, the industry’s peak, for Versace Eros shot by Mert & Marcus, a moment of validation that made the risk he took all those years ago really worth it. “I sat in Jason’s office in 2008 thinking, ‘Ok, I’m giving up a serious salary to pursue this complete uncertainty,’” Shimansky says. “I knew as well as he did there’s no guarantee. You’ve got to work hard, put in the time, be patient, and trust the process. Four years of doing that released when I got the call that it was going to be used.”

With his place in the modeling world secured, Shimansky has lately been turning his attention to an old passion, woodworking. An avid fan of construction toys like Legos and Lincoln Logs from a young age, he discovered the woodshop in high school in suburban New Jersey, where he would put in hours every week making projects from baskets and cutting boards up to benches, minibars, and even a foosball table.
His hobby has turned more professional recently with the establishment of Shimansky Design, his personal design and construction studio which offers everything from built-in shelving to standalone furniture, including all the tables and benches shot here. “I have a need to just stay busy and work with my hands,” he says.                   Shimansky approaches his designs organically, often working with salvaged wood—oak flooring from an apartment renovation, shelving from a defunct store, discarded desks and drawers—or with leftover lumber from tree disposal companies. “I put everything aside in my garage in my little brainstorm pile that I go to when I have projects,” he explains.
Currently working mostly on commission, Shimansky does almost all the construction work himself by hand, keeping a focus on the individual aspects of each piece of wood he works with.                Metal components are a common feature in his designs, giving them an industrial feel along with a sturdiness that he says many pieces can lack. His business has grown through word-of-mouth and, of course, social media, where pictures of his products can often lead to new customers.
For Shimansky, his carpentry offers the perfect complement to his modeling career, a meaningful project that he can work on during his own time and by his own sometimes-hectic schedule. 
                sees room to expand, however, and says that even a major dream project—say, fifty tables for a boutique hotel—would still be manageable on his own. And there is a part of Shimansky that, perhaps, might even want to keep the work all to himself. “If I’m not getting blisters on my hands,” he says, “I don’t feel like I’m fulfilled.”             

World Premiere: Anthony Parker Male SuperModel!

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With his photogenic looks, it’s not surprising to know my latest interview is a model and actor. You’d be surprised to know Anthony Parker is also a chef, a self-proclaimed saucee chef, according to his Instagram description.
Anthony have appeared in numerous photo shoots with top photographers in New York and Los Angeles. At 24, Anthony also have done several chapters for my coffee table book. I have kown him personally since 2014, and one of the nicest fella to know...Thrilled to have interview him again for my blog!

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 With your Amazing Good looks and a fabulous body, how do you keep yourself look good and what do you do to keep in such great shape?  
Healthy eating and regular trips to the gym.

 What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working out?
Rock music usually

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Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? What designers you wouldn’t wear?Kenneth Cole and Polo, Express, H&M.  There isn’t really any designer who I don’t like.

How do you keep up to date with fashion? I follow GQ on Facebook and follow numerous fashion accounts on Instagram.

 What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?
Definitely brief kind of guy.

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What made you first become a model?
The end of my baseball career

How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot? 
I was nervous but very excited

How do you feel about the female model controversy of the size 0 debate in the industry?   
I think that if a woman can look good in front of a camera then she doesn’t necessarily have to be size 0.

If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead? Culinary arts or gym teacher

What are guilty pleasures food wise?

How do you cope under the pressures of being a model and is being nude also a pressure?
I haven’t really felt any pressure being a model and as far as being nude, I’m confident in my body so have no problem with it.

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What beauty tips do you swear by? Apricot face scrub

 What’s your favorite colour?

What colour would you not wear?
Olive Green

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You been modeling for quite a long time, do you love it and see yourself modeling for the next 5 yearsI plan on modeling for the next 40 years.

What do you do in leisure/spare time? Watch tv, mostly sports and hang with friends.

 What advice would you give a newbie who's just starting in the industry - any suggestions on what to do or what to avoid?
Be confident in yourself but be aware of scams because they are out there.
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What do you remember about your school days, did you have many friends and what was your favorite subject?
I was homeschooled for most of my school days up until high school and in high school i wasn’t the most popular student but i didn’t care.  My favorite subject was physical education.

What is the best thing about modeling and what is the most stressful thing about being a  model?
The best thing about being a model is experiencing things i would never experience otherwise and the most stressful is competing with every other model for jobs.

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How and when did you start your modeling career?
I started it when I was 21 and it was when I saw a link on Facebook about a talent agency looking for male models.   
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What was your first impression of the modeling world and was there anything that surprised you or that you didn’t expect?
My first impression was it is very cutthroat.

What is your Opinion on Homosexuality?

I don’t really have a problem with it.  I don’t care what people do on their own time.  It only becomes a problem if someone acts inappropriately.

Do you remember your first assignment as a model?
No I don’t.  I just remember my first test shoot. 
What has been the funniest job that you have done as a model so far?
I just shot for a cookbook and that was pretty funny.

How would you put these factors in order of importance for becoming a successful model: the right look, hard work, luck?
I would usually say hard work, but its all about having the right look.
What does Success mean to you?  Wealth, Fame,  Happiness,  or none of these?I would say happiness.    
The three most important 'things' in your life are...?
My family, my friends, and my faith.

What kind of music do you like best? What's your current favorite song?
I really like alternative music and my favorite song right now is— Woke the Fuck Up by Jon Bellion

What do you like to do in your free time, do you have any particular hobby that some might find odd?
I like to work out or hang out with friends     
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 Let's give some tips to new models, tell me What is the most important thing that a girl/boy should do to present herself/himself well in castings?
I would say just make sure your hygiene is on point and dress plainly

Do you have an interesting anecdote from a photo shoot, a casting or a show?
No, not really

Turning to some personal questions, how would you describe your way to have fun, the places you usually go, and your way to enjoy life?
I just have fun by being myself, no matter where I am.  I think that's the way everyone should have fun, just be yourself, don’t try to please others all the time.                            
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Tell me about your professional plans: apart from modeling, what else would you like to pursue or are you already pursuing?
I really want to open my own restaurant

- What is your favorite sport and how often do you play it?
My favorite sport is baseball but I haven't played it for a few years

What is your favorite kind of movies and the last film you watched?
I like comedies and the last movie I saw was a documentary called The Internet’s Own Boy
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Your favorite female model?
My favorite female model has to be Danielle Knudson but I really like this girl Mirella Borghese on Instagram

-Where have you been traveling recently?
I went to LA and Utah about a month ago

Thank you so much for your time for the interview for my blog! I have always admire our friendship!
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Sunday, August 27, 2017

World Premiere: Alex Raffio: Male SuperModel of the World

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Alex Raffio: “One of the biggest designers I’ve worked for has to be Dolce and Gabbana. I recently walked in their Men’s Haute Couture show in Portofino, Italy”

It’s great to finally be a part of this family! Well, I’m a 27 year old from the suburbs of New York. I’m originally from Westchester, but went to school at Stony Brook University in Long Island where I studied engineering. I was always a big sports guy growing up. I didn’t like watching sports (I have no idea who any player is, on any professional team), but I always played sports. At one point I was training to represent the U.S. in the 2012 Olympic trials, for decathlon. Unfortunately, regular injuries to my legs and back prevented me from competing. Currently, I model full-time, get to travel the world, make great friends, and have incredible experiences with them along the way.
Modeling: how did all begin
After my track and field injury, I began body building. I ended up being found, on Facebook, by an associate of a former Americas Next Top Model judge. (The same person who discovered Sean O’pry actually.) I had a buzzcut at the time, so I had to grow out my hair, and lose a lot of the muscle I had gained. That took the better part of a year, but afterwards I began doing runway shows, and underwear campaigns.  I worked regularly for about a year, but then “retired” because modeling kept conflicting with my hectic class schedule. After I went to Grad school I started modeling full-time.
So far the best thing about modeling has been the traveling, and the awesome things I get to see and do, which I otherwise might not have the opportunity too.
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Posing to photographers: having fun on set
I enjoy it when I can relate to a photographer on a personal level. I try to laugh and have some fun on set. Yes, its work, and we have a job to do. However, in this industry there’s always room for a few jokes in between shots.
I don´t have any particulary previous preparation. I always try to stay in shape, and be “photoshoot ready”. I guess if anything I’ll try and get a good night sleep before a shoot, just so I’m not yawning the entire time.
I’m very comfortable with my body. However, I try to avoid nude shoots because there are a lot of creepy photographers out there that just want to see you naked. If it’s for a big campaign or something that will significantly advance my career, I don’t mind being naked for a shoot. But, I’ve yet to find the photographer that has been able to convince me to bare it all. …Although many and more have tried.
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The runway shows and its funny backstages´ moments:

I was backstage at a runway show in China. And the russian female models started competing with each other, to see who could get the most attention from me and some of the other male models. It started getting kind of stripper-esque, until this really cute blonde model, wearing an all leather outfit, scaled the scaffolding and started doing body rolls and swinging around a poll 20 feet up in the air. It’s easy to say that she won the attention competition, because the other girls gave up after that. Lol

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My first ever runway show was for Michael Bastian. And I had Poison Ivy all over my stomach, and on top of that had the week earlier bruised my heel teaching a Lifeguarding course. So I was limping around backstage trying desperately not to scratch or sweat, and the thick sweater they dressed me in was not helping.
I was also really nervous and had no idea what to expect when I got out there, because it was my first show Ever! When I hit the stage I forced myself to walk normally, as painful as that was, and ended up killing it. 
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Michael and his assistant at the time Antonio Ciongoli, both shook my hand afterward, and my photo even ended up being the cover shot for the article on
  I’ve been lucky enough to have walked in over a hundred fashion shows over the years. One of the biggest designers I’ve worked for has to be Dolce and Gabbana. I recently walked in their Men’s Haute Couture show in Portofino, Italy. The show took place at the top of a mountain in an old castle, looking over all the sail boats in the port. The view was, for lack of a better word, breathtaking.
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When I´m walking down the catwalk I just think Don’t trip, don’t trip, don’t trip. Lol. No I usually just try to remember to look straight ahead and keep my pace steady, and then it’s over in 15 seconds. There’s not much time to think about anything important.

Male models x Female models: who rule this business?
 Women rule the business by far. There are significantly more job opportunities for female models, than there are for males. And the female jobs usually pay more. I know very few male models that don’t usually have some type of extra job on the side; catering, bartending, etc.
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Concerning my fav models, I have a huge crush on Karlie Kloss. I think she’s absolutely stunning, and if you’re reading this Karlie give me a call. Or even better DM me on Instagram. IG: AlexRaffio
As far as male models for inspiration, I don’t really have any. This industry is more timing and luck than anything else. So there’s no one in particular I’d consider an idol. They just got luckier, or a very influential person liked them.

On fashion market for black models in USA
I’ve always heard that the industry is very orientated towards Caucasian models. But in the States, or at least New York, my black model friends work weekly, if not daily, especially in the commercial market. In the Asian markets though I know they still favor fair skinned models.
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Alex´s style: a fashionista?

I have only recently tried to amp up my wardrobe. Usually it’s very sleek American prep, if that makes sense.
My go to will always be jeans and a t-shirt. Or shorts and a tank top in the summer. It’s always what I’ve just been most comfortable in.
Imagine You a famous model surrounded by a huge crowd!
So pretty much pretend that I’m Lucky Blue for a day? Haha. I’d smile and shake hands and take pictures. If it got to the point where it seemed to be getting dangerous, I would back away slowly, and try to make a graceful and respectful exit, as best I could.
 On show business
It’s an amazing world that can give an individual experiences and a lifestyle unlike anything else. However, if you let it, it will completely consume you, and change who you are to your core. So it’s not something I recommend for everybody. It seems glamorous, and sometimes it is, but there’s a lot of evil in the industry as well.

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Dating X Loving

Dating is tough, only because I travel quite a lot, and am never in one country, or one place, more than a few months. I fall in love way too easily. With friends, women, people in general. I always treat people like I’ve known them my entire life, even if I’ve only known them for a few hours.


I’m not as big into sports as now as when I was younger. Solely for the fact that I try to enjoy things and some people take a friendly game way too seriously, and ruin it for everybody else. Also, I now depend on my face and body for my source of income and lifestyle. So it’s not really worth taking the chance of getting injured just to play a game.
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Superpowers and Superheroes

If I could have any superpower it would be to control and manipulate time. Then I could make myself and my loved ones immortal, and would be able to do whatever my mind could think of without any consequences.

I don’t have a favorite superhero per se, but I have become particularly fond of Captain America as of late. Probably because, whenever I travel, I’m usually one of the more muscular guys, and am more times than not the token American. So on one of my first trips to Asia, my friends said I looked like a brunette Captain America, and started calling me captain. Or, as my French roommate was prone to saying… Capitàn. Haha. The nickname has stuck with me ever since.
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Dumbest thing you’ve ever heard a model say

There have been several dumb things I’ve heard models say over the years, but at the moment I can’t recall which was the dumbest. I try to avoid stupidity on any level, and attempt to surround myself only with intelligent and driven individuals. I’ve learned that if you want to better yourself, you should spend your time with those that want the same.

 Attracting someone´s attention
It depends on whose attention I’m trying to get. If it’s a cute girl, I’ll do something different than if it’s a casting director. I usually don’t have a difficult time getting the attention of a room. I’m a big loud guy, that loves to laugh, and loves to make those around me laugh. Usually people notice me straight away.
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Having fun,enjoying life
The way I have fun varies with each city that I’m in. When I was in Milan I would go down to the water with my buddies, get a couple of bottles of wine and just go exploring. In Paris, I hit up all the touristy spots whenever I had a day off. When I’m in New York, if I’m not bar-hopping on the lower east side, at a club in the meat packing district, or at central park, you can usually find me watching Netflix and relaxing in my apartment.
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 Craziest (nastiest?) thing in a summer time season
I ate scorpions and a snake in Asia. I guess some people would consider that nasty. And I also went skydiving and shark diving in the same summer as well. I actually almost lost my arm shark diving. I was in a cage surrounded by bull sharks, and they had been chumming the water to get the sharks in close.
I had a fish tail in my hand and was waving it back and forth trying to coax the shark in front of me to come closer. My hand was sticking out of the cage, and I didn’t see a big female shark swimming underneath me. The female came at me like a bullet and I pulled my hand back in just before she slammed into the cage. One of her teeth got knocked out when she hit the bar, I grabbed it before it sank, and now wear it around my neck.
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Fav body part and and underwear for all moments
 My smile for sure. I have always been told that my smile can lighten up a room, and people feed off of my energy. If I can change the way someone is feeling with a smile, then that’s a very powerful thing.
I’ve always been a boxer-briefs guy. They’re functional, comfortable, and I’ve never gotten any complaints from those select few who’ve been lucky enough to see me in them :) 
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Book, Music and Food
Well currently I’m reading the Game of Thrones Series. It’s a great read, and definitely helps kill time, when I’m waiting on set or traveling via train or car to castings.
I’ve never been a big favorites guy. But I do think that Adam Lambert has an absolutely incredible voice. I have several of his songs on my IPOD. My song selections though are all over the place I have everything from death metal to Miley Cyrus. I listen to different music depending on my mood or what I’m doing. Let’s just say, that I never use the shuffle option when listening to music, because I’d never know which song is coming up next.
My fav food is the Italian one. I recently was in Italy for a couple of months shooting and walking in Milan fashion week. I fell in love with the food and culture. Italy, is probably my favorite country in the world other than the States.
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Guilty pleasure
Nutella. I wish there was a Nutella Addicts Anonymous group, because I need help.

Earliest childhood memory
One of the first things I can remember was almost drowning at the age of 3. I was always the kid that could do anything and everything, even if I had never done it before. I’m still the same way; ask me to do something, and if I don’t currently have the skillset or knowledge to do it, I will in no time flat.
Well, I went to a summer camp and the lifeguard asked me if I could swim. I couldn’t at the time, but I of course said yes, and then proceeded to jump into the deep end of the pool. This is where I immediately sank to the bottom of the pool, and had to be rescued by the lifeguard when I didn’t re-surface. 
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I distinctly remember sitting at the bottom of the pool and looking up at the surface where I could see the sun reflecting in the water ripples I had just created when I hit the water. Then I thought to myself, “hmm, what do I do now?” After I was saved from my potential watery grave, I was so embarrassed, that I practiced in my grandmother’s pool for a week, and taught myself how to swim by the end of it.

Nickname in school
In college everyone called me beast when I was bodybuilding, because I was just monstrously huge for a 20 year old kid.
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 An unforgettable moment
I used to be an AmeriCorps member, and worked with the Adapted Aquatics program at my Alma Mater. One patient I worked with was a 12 year boy named David. He had suffered from a seizure in-utero, which resulted in brain damage. At the age when he hit puberty, he had the mental capacity of a 4 year old with severe ADHD, and various physical limitations. I worked with him every week to increase his muscle strength, dexterity, and fine motor skills.We always worked in the pool to take away the stress of gravity on his joints. As a result of his condition, David was obsessed with the color red, and the letter A. And regularly he attempted to steal the red lifeguard tube that was mounted on the wall, much to his mother’s dismay. So on the last day that we worked together; I went out and purchased him his own custom Lifeguard tube with his name on it. When I presented it to him, he was so overwhelmed he began to cry, and then so did his mother. When I hugged him goodbye it took a lot not to start shedding tears myself. That’s definitely a moment I will always carry with me.

 Yourself in 10 years
In 10 years, I’d like to see myself with an adoring wife, a couple of beautiful children, and a house near the beach with a smile on my face more times than not.
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If you weren´t a model you´d be…
An Astronaut. But sadly they’re not sending any Americans to outer space… for now.

Next Chapters
I’m flying out to Shanghai in a couple of weeks for a 3 month contract, and will probably end up in Thailand or South Africa after that. So I’m pretty excited about what’s to come in the next several months. Also in Midtown Manhattan a store called, “The Shirt Club”, is opening next month, and supposedly there will be a floor to ceiling billboard of yours truly in the store. So I’ll have to take my selfie with that when I return from abroad. lol
“I’m always happy to help” Anyone that has known me even for a day, has probably heard me say that. If you need something, and it’s within my power to help you with it, consider it done.

And when you´ll come to my world buddy?
The second I can get signed with a Brazilian agency, I’m there!!!!
Presenting in an exclusive for Fashionably Male a beautiful male model signed at Adam Models NYC, meet Alex Raffio captured by lensman Andres Pelaez, Alex wearing pieces from Garçon Model fronts a beautiful face and fit body.