Monday, January 30, 2017

Kadu Giacomini is a dentist !!

 Kadu Giacomini is a dentist and we’re suddenly developing cavities!! 

 My dentist (who, truthfully, is quite hunky) looks NOTHING like this. Kadu Giacomini is a Brazilian dentist/model (you don’t normally see THAT job combo) and he presently happens to be setting fire to Instagram.

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 There’s a joke here about “filling cavities” and “drilling” but I refuse to make it! Because this is a FAMILY BLOG. Anyway, enjoy these IG posts from Kadu and stop it with the chomping on candy and booking a flight to Brazil. I SEE YOU.

 Image may contain: 1 personNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: 1 person, standing and shorts

Meet The Brazilian Dentist-Turned-Model That’s Making Us Book Our Next Appointment - See more at:
Meet The Brazilian Dentist-Turned-Model That’s Making Us Book Our Next Appointment - See more at:

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