Monday, November 14, 2016

Ivana: Ambassador of Czech Republic?

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Ivana Trump: I Want to Be Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Ivana already advocating for her ex-husband Donald Trump to appoint her as a diplomat when he officially takes office in January. 
“I will suggest that I be ambassador for the Czech Republic,” Ivana, who was married to the president-elect from 1977 to 1992, told the New York Post on Friday, November 11. “[That] is where I’m from and my language and everybody knows me. I’m quite known all around the world. Not only in America. I have written three books, and they were translated in 40 countries in 25 languages. I’m known by the name Ivana. I really did not need the name Trump.” (The Czech Republic ambassador position is currently held by Andrew Schapiro, a successful lawyer who attended Harvard Law School with President Barack Obama.)
 Image result for Ivana Trump
The socialite, 67, also believes that the White House isn’t quite up to the standards of Trump Tower. “To be perfectly honest, I think probably the Trump Tower and my townhouse in New York is much better than the White House,” she said. “But Donald is very right. He said if a lot of presidents before can live in here, so can [he] … I don’t think he’s going to do gold leafing in the White House.” 
While the ex-Apprentice host is planning to live in the White House, Ivana believes her ex will turn down Air Force One. “I think he will probably keep his own plane,” she said. “He’s very happy in his own plane.” ( CNN reported that it would be “nearly functionally impossible” for Trump to fly on his own jet due to special security features.)
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“Donald is like a good French wine,” Ivana told the Post. "He doesn’t like to be moved and traveled. The last 18 months, he traveled as much as he ever has in his life. Thank God he has his private plane, but still, it was brutal. It’s not going to get any better; it will get worse in the White House.”
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The former model, who is the mother of Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric Trump, praised the business mogul as hardworking even at the expense of sleep. “In his spare time, he’ll have to play golf,” she said. “I don’t think it will happen in his first 100 days in office, because he will be working from morning to night, which he loves. He only sleeps three hours a night.”
 Image result for Ivana Trump

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