Monday, October 24, 2016

FADC: The Most Talked About Club!


Fashionably bringing together students of all fields of study through enriching programs, activities, and networking. The Fashion Art & Design Club offer opportunities to their members that they might not be able to get otherwise such as design opportunities, contests, and internships. We bring in fashion industry professionals to speak with the club and bring knowledge of the industry.
 We also have teaching lessons from professors or students to show different techniques in the fashion design field that they may not have learned in class. We also use our skills to give back to others such as making items to donate. Our club is about learning, getting opportunities, and growing in the fashion industry.
As the full time professor at FIT, I created the Fashion Art Club in 2008 while another club that has been around for over 30 years, the Fashion Design Club, I was once the president of that club. In 2014, my good friend the iconic New York designer George Simonton who is also my colleague came to me and asked if we can merged the two clubs into one magnificent became known as the Fashion Art & Design Club....this fall of 2016, my new president Alana Fox and I spoken with the committee and brainstormed to make it more modern and a new era, FADC.....  
 The Most talked about Club with over 400 following and still counting!
  It meets every other Tuesday with Big guest speakers from Project Runway, the upcoming designer and the International Stylist! Christopher Palu, Daniel Silverstain and Newheart more to come soon! And the 3rd Annual big premiere event fashion show in March 30th 2017, the name of the show: the 4 Elements: Earth, Wind, Air & Fire......
 (Alana Fox the president of the new Members and Committees)
 Behind the Scene: Alana Fox working on the third annual display of the FADC gallery at FIT.
Go to Facebook and find FADC...only at the country's most prestigious fashion universities, Fashion Institute of Technology! 

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