Tuesday, August 23, 2016

James the Sexy Man of the Price Is Right

James O'Halloran, an Australian model and actor, of The Price is Right!
No, he wasn't preselected from the audience or something… he'll be waaaay too shirtless to be in the audience.


That's because he won a competition to join the show as the program's second ever male model two years ago!!

His journey to the top was arduous: There was a nationwide casting call, then a series of modeling tasks, and finally the vanquishing of his fellow contestants Jonathan Morgan and Jay Byars.

O'Halloran is obviously honored and super excited, saying:

"I'm just humbled that I was chosen. I guess my accent probably did help. I spent four years studying industrial design and worked three years in the industry. But I was taking nighttime acting classes. Then, in the midst of a global recession, I quit my job to become a model. I think it worked out for me so far! At first, I was pretty laid back about it, which made me relaxed during auditions, but then I really, really wanted the job!"

That's so amazing! His chill attitude probably helped him get all the way to finalist where his rock solid abs brought him the big win!

As far as the actual job? He has a lot to learn but still seems so excited, saying:

"It's complicated, but it's a very well-oiled machine. Everyone is being really pleasant, and I'm learning a lot. I'm so grateful for the opportunity."

We're grateful he looks so damn sexy and will be gracing our TV screens every week !

Let's hope he stays on and becomes as much a part of The Price is Right as spinning the big wheel!! He has been on the game show for 2 years now!

Congrats, James O'Halloran!!

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