Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Devil Wear Prada turns 10!!

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of one of the shadiest films of all time, The Devil Wears Prada.
When She Has HAD IT 
 When This Coat Is More Important
 Than Your Life
 When This Coat Is More Important Than Your Life
The grand marshal of that shade parade was none other than Miranda Priestly, the Meryl Streep of fictitious fashion editors, in one of La Streep's greatest performances. The editrix-in-chief of Runway is the be-all end-all of cinematic bitchery, so in celebration of the decade since she first threw her coat in the face of the public conscious, here's a guide to reading the couture house down.
That's all. 
When You're Not Here, There, or Anywhere for These ShenanigansWhen You Need to Put the "Punch" in PunchlineWhen Someone's Gotta DieWhen the Lack of Originality Is GallingWhen You're Just Speaking the TruthWhen You Have to Keep It REAL Simple for the Kids

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