The Beginning of the End for The Good Wife—Are We Getting a "Surprising" Finale?
With just nine episodes of The Good Wife left, co-creators and executive producers Robert and Michelle King have a lot on their plate. But, they've been planning the end of Alicia Florrick since the beginning.

"I think [Margulies] was kind of up in the air because the difficulty with a series coming to an end is there's a lot of livelihoods attached to it. So I think she was torn and she made that joke at the casting event …and I kind of saw it as a joke when she said it...We've had discussions about how we wanted to end the show and our fate isn't necessarily attached to what she would want to do.
But Michelle noted talks about continuing with an eighth season didn't go that far formally, as far as she knows. "There was conversation with the network, with the studio, with Julianna and really everybody came to the same decision—end with us. That to be able to go all together is really what we all wanted," she said.
Now that the endings for all are set in stone, the Kings are continuing to plot. They wouldn't reveal if Alicia and Peter finally divorce, once and for all, but Michelle did admit things are staying on course.
"I would say that the story won't change from what we were intending, but it allows us to be a little more definitive. So, we'll be writing the same thing, but perhaps now in pen instead of pencil," she said.

"I like [shows] that end with some resonance. I think some of the best endings of series television [are] Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under...a lot of these shows that I would put as happy and sad at the same time. I mean there's a mixture, but that doesn't necessarily have any impact on what we're doing. We're just talking in general about series we like," Robert said.
The Good Wife airs Sundays 9 p.m. on CBS. The series finale will air May 8.
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