Thursday, February 18, 2016

Nothing Gets Between This Model and His Calvins, Except Maybe Kendall Jenner

There are certain casting coups that can define a model’s career, but aligning with the right brand at the exact right moment is certainly one that has the power to transform a model into a household name—or, at the very least, pique the interest of fashion’s insiders. Landing a spot in Calvin Klein ’s underwear ads is the kind of accomplishment that tends to lead to opportunities beyond fashion. Models-turned-actors Jamie Dornan, Antonio Sabáto, Jr., and Travis Fimmel all got a career boost by stripping down for Calvin, and even celebrities like Mark Wahlberg and Justin Bieber have benefited from the exposure.
 calvin klein
And this season brings us the latest hunk to take up the mantle of Calvin Klein guy: Mitchell Slaggert, a clean-cut Georgia boy who has been making waves in the modeling industry since being scouted early last year. Slaggert was attracting attention even before his Calvin gig, racking up work with photography icons like MertAlas and Marcus Piggott, but his new role raises his profile considerably. “It’s an honor!” he told us via email. “Only great things can come from this. It’s such an iconic brand and has launched many careers; I’m blessed to take part in something so special.”
Posing for David Sims alongside Kendall Jenner while wearing nothing but a pair of briefs is a daunting prospect for most, but for Slaggert it was simply another day at the office, and one made easier by Jenner’s affable personality. “Kendall was very sweet and easy to work with,” Slaggert says. “I was jet-lagged and wasn’t very chatty initially, but she was easy to talk to and always had a smile on her face.” 
And though his already buff physique would seem ready for the challenge of modeling with nothing between him and his Calvins, dedicated athlete Slaggert put in extra hours at the gym, just to take things “a step further.” “I doubled my cardio routines before touching weights, and by adding a clean, healthy diet into the mix, I managed to get myself both physically and mentally fit,” he says.
Given the history of Calvin models transitioning into acting, one has to wonder if Slaggert has his sights set on Hollywood. “Well, I’m not done with modeling just yet, but acting is definitely next on the horizon,” says Slaggert. He’s just been cast as the lead in a new film by Daniel Peddle, the casting agent and director who initially introduced Slaggert to the fashion industry and who also happens to have discovered Jennifer Lawrence.Those are no small shoes to fill, but don’t expect Slaggert to develop an outsized ego anytime soon. 
“That’s one of the great things about where I come from,” he says. “My friends, my family, and my girlfriend have helped me to stay rooted and take all of this in stride. No need to ride your high horse around town!”

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