Thursday, January 7, 2016

Exclusive Interview: Josh Wald

-Hello Josh, I'm really flattered to interview you, to start this interview off, though you're very famous, please tell me some brief background information.
Thanks Christopher!! for taking the time to ask me these questions! I’m from Cape Cod, MA. (Massachusetts) For those who don’t know, Cape Cod is a peninsula, and a province that sticks out into the water off of the north east coast of America. I grew up in a small town call, Falmouth most noted for its ferry to Martha's Vineyard.
I now live in New York City in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. But my Lovely parents still live there. It really is a wonderful place to go back to. I have an amazing younger sister who spends her days saving lives in Florida. She is amazing!!!! And will also be up to NY this fall, to run the New York Marathon. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family.
I was schooled in my hometown during my earlier years, and then home schooled on a boat for a year by my folks, pre high school.. I then went off to a boarding school called Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. However, I got the boot my senior year, and graduated from Falmouth public high school.
I tried for college in California, as most east coasters do, but I was too late with the application so I ended up in Tampa, Florida at the University of Tampa (The next best thing?). There I studied marketing, and communications and came out in 3.5 years with a BA, and lots of party experience!
Ozzy knew everyone. He introduced me to a few of his friends in a few agencies, and next thing you know...

-How did you get into modeling? Did it happen by chance or it was something you had planned?
Some time in mid college, I came up to New York, to stay with a buddy in Long for the summer. I knew someone who knew someone, who was going to help me find work. I found myself in promoter’s office in lower SoHo waiting... The main man, the guy I was supposed to see was wrapped up in some meeting, so I started talking to this guy next to me. Turns out, the young fellow next to me, named Ozzy, had his own work for me, and I worked that summer as a promoter in New York City promoting high end clubs to high end people.

It’s was amazing to me, seeing all that especially coming from such a small town. Ozzy offered me a room in his Queens apartment, and took me under his wing. Every time there was a very big event, Ozzy would take invites into the agencies to get some of the girls to go, and they did, Ozzy knew everyone. He introduced me to a few of his friends in a few agencies, and next thing you know, I’m in Miami jumping on a trampoline in a speed on the beach. Who knew…

Mamas’s Boy Goes Digital was just the first project I took seriously and finished...I have a second one coming out in one month...

-What's the most exciting thing about being a male model?I can now tie a bowtie!!!

-What’s your opinion about the fashion world? Do you think it's glamorous?
I can see how it would look glamorous.. I mean that’s the name of the game right? We sell that feeling. Fashion sells glamorous.
-Let's talk about music, how did your interest in it start?I’ve always loved music. Had a piano in the house as a kid but never had a lesson. I’d just sit there pushing key and making up patterns. It wasn’t until my good buddy, Ted showed my how to play let it be, by the Beatles, that I really got it going.
I took those chords and rearranged them, and then rearranged them again until I made a hundred songs. In fact, I never learned to play anyone else’s songs again, until just the other day...
I’d say every song I’ve ever written has some how; at one point come from let it be.
-I know you finished your first album as a songwriter, composer and producer, "Mamas Boy Goes Digital", some months ago and I listened to some of the songs on myspace,,
what inspired you when you wrote those songs?
Mamas’s Boy Goes Digital was just the first project I took seriously and finished. It was more about getting it done then anything else, and inspired by life. I have a second one coming out in a month or so, with a different artist, and a different sound.
It’s not done yet, but you can get a sneak preview at The artist’s name is Kerry Beach, and she is a wonderful singer, and an even better person.

-How would you describe your music? What audience would it most appeal to?
The music is eclectic, and tries to be different, but that is relative... What a hard thing to describe, music. It’s like when you go in for a haircut, and you have this idea in mind. You tell the hair stylist this, and that thinking you’ve explained it well, and you have. But rarely does it come out the way you’ve imagined. It’s one of those things that you just have to listen to. But hopefully everyone will be able to find something they like in it.
-How would you describe who you are? Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself?Wow, that’s a big one, I’m a hundred different people all at once, aren’t we all? You’d have to decide for yourself.
-I guess it will be a frequent question for you but what's the meaning of your tattoos? They are all scars and reminders, some good and some bad, but there is one I think we all know the meaning of, and that is Love.
-Thanks Josh for taking the time to reply to my questions, it was a gift for my readers and me!
Talk to you soon, Christopher!

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