Friday, November 13, 2015

Exclusive Interview with Edward Wilding

0ne of the most successful male models Edward Wilding began his modeling career about two years ago. During these years he has tirelessly worked in the industry, shooting in a large number of editorials for magazines and walking for the most famous designers, such as Versace just to mention one. Following here my exclusive interview with him.

-Hello Edward, thanks for accepting to be interviewed for my Blog just to start this interview off please give me some background information.
Born in Manchester England, I have all my family in Manchester in a 1 mile radius of my home. I have two older sisters 25, 26. I went to a school 5 mins from my home and finished with 11 gcse’s. At the moment I have no base but hopefully looking to buy a place next year and have a permanent home.

-What do you remember about your school days, did you have many friends and what was your favourite subject?
School was the best time of my life, I had lots of friends and none of us paid any attention to the work, we just played around and caused trouble, I feel quite bad on my teachers now. 

-When did you start your modeling career? How old were you?
Started about 2 years ago, I was 21 years old. 
-What was your first impression of the modeling world and was there anything that surprised you or that you didn’t expect?
The first impression was that it’s just a big game. So like any job I studied the game and started playing.
What do you remember about your first assignment as a model?
To lose around 2 stone of muscle that had taken me around 3 years to achieve haha.
What has been the funniest job that you have done as a model so far?
The funniest has to be the shows, when all the boys are in one hotel and its non stop messing around.
-How would you put these factors in order of importance for becoming a successful model: the right look, hard work, luck?
Well I don’t believe in luck so I’d put it in this way, personality, respect, hard work then looks last.

Which modeling jobs, campaign or ediorial, marked the beginning of “a new level” in your career and made you one of the most successful male models?

Starting with my first job being Versace I’d say I was pushed straight into the deep from the start, I wish in a way I would have had to climb the ladder a little longer as I’d understand more the importance of the situation I’m now in.
-Which Fashion capital is your favourite: Paris, Milan, London or NYC? Are the markets in Europe and in US very different?
Why Manchester not on here? Hahaha, my favourite has to be New York for the fun but for wise work I’d say Milan. Europe is a little different to us yes but each city has its own preferences and looks I suppose.

-What do you like to do in your free time, do you have any particular hobby that some might find odd?
I like to spend time with family and my girlfriend in my free time. And my favourite hobby/addiction has to be shopping.

-Thanks for your time Edward!
My pleasure!

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