Friday, August 14, 2015

All about John Strand

"The number one most important thing in my life is my relationship with my God and savior, Jesus Christ. My goal in life, and in modeling, is to let other people see what God has done in my life, and to let them know that God actually cares about them. Number two, my wife Kate. She is an incredible gift to me, her love and support are my anchor. Number three, my brother Bobby; we've grown up together as best friends and band mates. Number four, the rest of my family. Number 5, after all those, would be my passion for my work in music and modeling."
"I love images that are emotionally strong, and that have a great sexy and fashionable look to them."

"I mostly desire to draw the viewer in by the intensity of my facial communication".

"Excellence inspires me, more than anything else. I am so inspired by a great song, or a striking model portrayed in a beautiful photograph.

"I desire to do great things, with as much excellence as I am capable of, which I believe is a lot."

"I modeled a local underwear line on Denver morning television earlier this year; it was an exciting and memorable opportunity. I loved being on camera!"
"Modeling takes an incredible amount of mental stamina and perseverance. You really need to enjoy modeling, and want to do it for what it is".
John shares an important advise for new models, "Take care of your body, work harder than everyone else and never give up, and treat everyone with respect. That will get anyone pretty far." 
 "Working with Mark Stout is always a pleasure. He is  very skilled, and very dedicated to doing anything necessary to produce great work.
 I've learned a lot about posing and the visual attitude of a shot in my shoots with Mark. We continue to bring out better things in each other."
 John is not only a gorgeous model with a GQ certified look, but at the same time too, he knows how to carry his fashion, and take it to the next level, when asked about what brand he would be, John replied, "Diesel because they're Italian and the best."
"What makes me.....well, me? A big smile and an even bigger heart. I have an incredible love for people that I can only credit God for. I'm also extremely stubborn."

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