Saturday, June 13, 2015

Is Skinny Male Models too Dangerous?

These two guys are part of the top male models and I'm glad they've given the public more than the cookie cutter, 6 pack abs, "I spend my life in a gym" type of male model that we're used to seeing on every cover or advertisement. Personally, I'm more of a fan of the skinnier male models and I hope they don't leave anytime soon. I think we can all thank Hedi Slimane for putting out on the runway these thin guys. Hedi not only changed mens fashion but also the modeling world with what he envisioned his men to look like.
And honestly, a more athletic build looks absolutely rediculous in the edgier, slim cut clothing. It looks like they're trying to squeeze in a 1 size too small outfit. I've been lately reading a lot of negative hype on male models being too thin...thin will always be "in" in the world of fashion, and it's a fresh look compared to what has been around for many, many years in the male modeling world. Like different styles of clothing, there are different markets, and I know I don't want to see an athletic guy in clothes that I'd want top wear, so different looking models, with the builds of the clientelle, makes sense; and I love that Models as thin as Cole and Ash are making it big, giving the male model a new face and look.

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