Thursday, April 2, 2015

Who is Rodrigo Calazans?

Biography: Rodrigo is a Brazilian soccer player turned model. Calazans had spent his adult life playing soccer before he decided to take a different career path, modeling. Plus Rodrigo is also a talented Photographer who have taken pictures of  Rafael Lazzini and other models as well.
Calazans made his modeling debut in 2007 in the popular online magazine Terra's "The Boy". The provocative feature and sexuality expressed in the photos draw a lot of attention from the public to his identity, and caused a dramatic increase in his popularity.
In the following months, Calazans solidified his decision to become a full time model when he signed with a modeling agent and decided to trim down.With a new ripped body, Calazans quickly secured his biggest campaign yet -- as the new model for the "Butch  Spring + Summer" swimwear line.trashyprinces:

Rodrigo Calazans by Bell Soto.


Rodrigo Calazans by Bell Soto.fantasists:

rodrigo calazans | ph bell soto

rodrigo calazans | ph bell soto

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