Saturday, March 7, 2015

World Premiere Interview: SuperModel Gui Fedrizzi

"Success for me is when you reach your goals without step over anyone, but the other way around and without never forget where you came from...""To feel happy I need God, my family, my friends, to practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, new challenges, and so many other things..."
"I love music, so I like a little of every kind of music. My current favorite song is a gospel one..."
A great pleasure to have you here let's start it off: I know you have been very busy  and with interview please update me on your recent jobs and about the places where you have been...                                                                      Hello my friend! Hope you are well! It's my pleasure! Yeah man, thank God, I've been very busy! I think you have posted most of the jobs that I've done  but the most important are: Cruciani (campaign), a video editorial for Esquire magazine in Paris, Mangano (campaign), Bjorn Borg underwear (campaign), Dan Ward swimwear, John Russo "photography", Fragrance 7 Diamonds (campaign), Guess Jeans lookbook, and Guess Jeans F/W 2014 (campaign). And I'm travelling a lot, this year I did many countries in Europe, Israel,   LA, and soon New York City!!
What is the best thing about modeling and what is the most stressful thing about being a  model?
The best thing about modeling is the travelling because you get to know so many amazing places, sometimes amazing people, and some of them become part of your family. The most stressful part can be also the travelling! Hahaha, because sometimes it becomes too much and you don't have time for yourself and you go completely out of your routine (diet, workout, etc..).

-Just for curiosity, what did you buy with the money earned from your first modeling job?I don't remember that but I didn't have enough money to buy what I really wanted on the last years. My career just got in a better level this year and I've already what I always wanted as my acoustic guitar, my Canon (camera) and my computer.                        
What has been your favorite campaign so far?            Of course it is Guess Jeans, because it was my dream as a model, since I started modeling (5 years ago) I told myself that one day I would do it! And thank God I did it! It was the best feeling working as a model ever!

-What does Success mean to you?  Wealth, Fame,  Happiness,  or none of these?Success for me is when you reach your goals without step over anyone, but the other way around and without never forget where you came from, its really hard to reach the success without the support of family and friends.-The three most important 'things' in your life are...?God, Family  (my girlfriend is part of it) and Friends.
- How important is friendship to you and what's the quality you most admire in a friend?It is as important as my family because my friends are the family that I chose for me. The best quality of a friend is sincerity, because sometimes the true will hurt you, but a real friend will be always honest with you, even when it can hurt both of us.-What is your idea of happiness? What do you need to feel happy?Happiness... I think that nobody really knows what it is otherwise everybody would be happy everyday and the world would be different. To feel happy I need God, my family, my friends, to practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, new challenges, and so many other things.-What kind of music do you like best? What's your current favorite song?I love music, so I like a little of every kind of music. My current favorite song is a gospel one: Hillsong - from the inside out, makes so happy every time I listen to this song!
-Thanks again Gui for taking your time to answer my questions!
Man, I thank you so much, it was hard to find some time to do it, but it makes me so happy cause these are questions that I should do to myself everyday, but due all the things life put on your way everyday is hard to do it. These simple questions made me stop and think about my life and not just live one day after the other. Thanks my friend, take care and soon I'll have great news for you! Big hug!

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