Tuesday, March 10, 2015

World Premiere Interview: David Entinghe

My sophomore year of college, a friend of mine submitted a few photos to Cosmopolitan Magazine...
I’ve done some of the bigger campaigns such as Abercrombie, Ruehl, and Arrow Shirts...I’ve worked with everyone from JCPenny, Target, Macy’s to Tommy Hilfiger and Lacoste...

I was very active in high school. I was on the football team, the basketball team, the swim team...

Hello David, I'm flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my blog, to start please give me some background information.Hello Christopher, you are welcome, thank you for contacting me. I’m from Midwest America; I was born and raised in Lima, Ohio. The city I grew up in is a decent sized city where you pretty much know everyone. After high school, I went off to Ohio Northern University to study Sociology and Criminal Justice.

-Let's look back at how you started modeling, tell me about how you got discovered.My sophomore year of college, a friend of mine submitted a few photos to Cosmopolitan Magazine with a brief letter describing the type of person I was. At the time I had no idea. After a few months Cosmo contacted me. They informed me that they wanted to use me in their yearly bachelor edition and were going to fly me to New York City for a photo shoot. To be honest with you I thought the whole thing was a big joke. After talking to the girl who submitted me, it finally hit me that this was very real.

How did you get your first modeling job? What was it like? During my first stay in New York City, I had been sent to a few castings without a book or a composition card. After about a week, the agent I had been in contact with told me that I had booked Abercrombie and Fitch and would be shooting with Bruce Weber. Needless to say I was pretty excited. It was a great jumping off point for my career and a great experience. The photo shoot went really well, which persuaded me to continue modeling.

-Tell me more about Abercrombie and Fitch campaign,  what was it like working with Bruce Weber? What impressed you about him during the shoot?Abercrombie and Fitch was a great experience. It was my first job so I got to meet a lot of other models who had been around for awhile. The atmosphere was very upbeat and fun; it was basically one big party. I had heard so much about Bruce Weber before getting onset I didn’t know what to expect.

 He is a legend. What impressed me the most about Bruce was how very kind and focused he is. He is a great communicator, which helped a lot for someone who didn’t have much experience in front of the camera. I had the honor of working with him again nearly a year and a half later on the set of Ruehl No. 921.

-I know you are a very successful model, please share with me some of your main assignments so far and some of your current and upcoming ones. I have been very fortunate. While in school I wasn’t able to model full-time, but was still able to work with a lot of great clients. I’ve done some of the bigger campaigns such as Abercrombie, Ruehl, and Arrow Shirts early in my career which was great, but catalog is what keeps my going. I’ve worked with everyone from JCPenny, Target, Macy’s to Tommy Hilfiger and Lacoste. The crazy thing about this industry is you never know when or who you are going to be working with next. It makes you that much more thankful when you do get the call that you just booked another job.

-Besides modeling what are your professional plans for the future?                         To be honest, the great part of this whole experience has been not having to worry too much about my professional future. The best thing I ever did was re-enroll in college classes to finish up my degree. I know more than likely I’ll end up using it in my future. I have considered going back to get my masters degree, but as for right now I am just enjoying the opportunity to travel and work as much as possible.

-Tell me something about your personality, are you "easy to get to know" or "hard to read"? Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself? I am very competitive, almost to a fault, but that might have to do with my athletic background. I am always up for a challenge. From an outsider’s perspective, I would consider myself down to earth and very approachable. I would hope people describe me as considerate, enthusiastic, and dedicated.

-What sports did you do in High school David? How about now? I was very active in high school. I was on the football team, the basketball team, the swim team and even took a stab at track my senior year. I had the opportunity to play football and swim in college which made the transition to college much easier. Now-a-days, I play a lot of golf and try to stay as active as possible. I think it is a great way to clear your mind.

-Thanks again David for taking the time to reply to my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!
 Thank you Christopher, it’s been my pleasure.

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