Sunday, March 29, 2015

Grab Your Calculators, This Math Teacher Is Also A Male Model

Math is not my cup of tea. I cannot compute anything to save my life.  Growing up, I never really had enough motivation to study it.
College kids in University College London, however, can’t say the same.
Meet their math teacher: math-teacher-model-pietro-boselli6
The great specimen of a man pictured above is Pietro Boselli. He is a successful model who has worked with the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch. In 2014, he was the European Fitness Model Champion. He has a PhD in engineering. He also happens to be the math lecturer.

What would you do if you realized your math teacher was actually a super successful – and super attractive – male model? Because that's exactly what happened to University College London student Arief Azli, who (like any college kid) then shared his discovery on Facebook.

"That moment when you realized your maths lecturer is one of the top designer model," Azli wrote in a post comparing two photos of his teacher, Pietro Boselli: One of Boselli at the whiteboard, papers in the hand; the other of him ... not wearing very much at all.
"#OnlyatUCL," Azli hashtagged it, adding: "#Bromance."
Student Arief Azil was equally surprised when he made the discovery after a quick search of Boselli’s name on the net. Boselli’s Instagram account has over 64,000 followers and for good reason.math-teacher-model-pietro-boselli5
Yes, the math prof is a hunky male model with a Phd. He hails from Italy and is currently signed with Models1. 
I would have paid more attention in class. 

Those who have taken a college course recently most likely know that professors are pretty lenient these days when it comes to technology. Of course, your laptop is only supposed to be used for note-taking purposes, but 90 percent of your class time is actually devoted to checking Facebook and online shopping. However, students from London College put their research skills to good use this past week, when they found out their math teacher is a successful male model, thanks to trusty old Google.

Students discovered that Pietro Boselli (or Professor Boselli, excuse me) was the winner of the European Fitness Model competition and has a wildly followed Instagram account that shows off all of his greatest physical attributes (just know that 1+5 packs equals a six pack). News broke about Mr. Boselli when one of his students, Arief Azli, made the discovery while in class and posted it on their Facebook page.
Azli wrote: “That moment when you realised [sic] your maths lecturer is one of the top designer model.” Boselli also has a LinkedIn that is just as impressive as his Instagram. According to his professional profile, he has a Bachelor’s and PhD in engineering from University College London. Talk about beauty and brains.
It’s most likely that Boselli’s students already had a hunch about his side hustle; after all, a picture posted of him during class showed him in a fitted t-shirt with impeccable biceps that definitely aren’t common among college professors. This information just makes you wonder how many of his students will be visiting during office hours now. His next semester courses are likely to be highly over-registered.

When a bunch of University College London students turned up for their maths/engineering lecture
they probably wondered- what’s that ridiculously handsome male model doing by the white board and is our teacher ever going to bother showing up?
But, lo and behold, it turns out the hunk scribbling Goodwill-Hunting-eske math solutions on the board is their teacher AND a famous male model! WTF? Some people really win the gene lottery in life.
Pietro is addicted to training by self confession, and it fricking shows- just check out his abs and biceps and pecs and…

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