Wednesday, March 4, 2015

5 Questions with Photographer Leonardo Corredor!

Ricki Hall by Leonadro Corredor

5 Questions with Leonardo Corredor!

5 questions with Leonardo Corredor

A guilty pleasure you can't seem to quit?

...Too many things come to my mind, I'm gonna keep a friendly filter and say Blueberry muffins and troubled people (lol).

A song that makes your heart skip a beat?

I love music.  It is hard to name one but I guess I could say 'Dream On' by Aerosmith or 'The Swell Season' by The Moon.  Oh shit that's two... Ha!

If the world were coming to an end and you were allowed one last kiss, who would be lucky enough to land on your lips?
It would be my mom, couldn't have gotten a better one! 

Which item of clothing in your closet gets most wear and why?
My Timberland boots and my leather black jacket.

What never fails to make you smile?
Babies, especially Chinese ones! Also joints are good for smiling... Ha!
Thanks Leonardo!

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