Friday, March 6, 2015

5 Questions for Willie Gomez

5 Questions for Willie Gomez!! Willie Gomez is a model and dancer, currently performing alongside Ms. Britney Spears in Las Vegas. If he looks familiar, you might also recognize him from his gigs with Kylie Minogue, Ke$ha or Katy Perry. (His hips have been known to get around.) On top of that, he comes equipped with a huge, irresistible… Um, smile. It penetrates you with its warmth and stays in your brain forever.

A guilty pleasure you can't seem to quit?

I love to travel!  Haha!  Most people would think I'd want to stay home on my time off from work which is usually touring with different artists but I keep myself busy traveling and getting to see other parts of the world... I just love it!  I can't stay away from peanut M&Ms too btw. Hahahhaa!

A song that makes your heart skip a beat?

Daniel Bedingfield - 'If You're Not The One'.  This is an old one but when I hear it it gets to me.  Love!

How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Scrambled egg whites all the way!

If the world was coming to an end and you were allowed one last kiss, who would be lucky enough to land on your lips?
Chris Hemsworth if I'm single lol and if not, my partner.

Which flavour of ice cream best describes your personality?
I'd say chocolate chip.
Thanks Willie!

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