Thursday, January 8, 2015

Justin Bieber's the Worst!


Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein photos aren't sexy—he’s the absolute worst!View image on Twitter

Forget, "When a boy becomes a man." We know what Calvin Klein does when he doesn't.

Check out Justin Bieber's wisp of a happy trail in the pic from the raw video of the photo shoot. Now check out the photo taken for the print ad ... seems like Justin got a digital pelvic merkin. 

You can pin the blame tail on the Beliebers all you want—his loyal tween fans and 58.9 million Instagram followers—but Bieber’s continued success as an adult wouldn’t be possible unless other adults were guiltily chewing on it like dazed donkeys.


As New York magazine’s Vanessa Grigoriadis argues, his fame would only be possible in the “youth-obsessed, fame-hungry, prudish and pornish land of America.” While Bieber might be the most hated person in America, you’d be surprised at just what people will swallow when you’re young, male, white, and hot—at least after Calvin Klein takes a magic airbrush to your approximately one billion flaws. Some might find it sexy, but the rest of us just want to use that Photoshop to erase him entirely. That’s literally the hottest thing I can think of.

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