Saturday, October 4, 2014

Nick Jonas: More than a Handful

1002-nick-jonas-main-flauntNick Jonas is promoting his new album by appearing shirtless in  FLAUNT magazine's new spread ... wearing only underwear ... and grabbing his crotch. Makes total sense, right?
This JoBro has a good grip on his career.

 Nick has seriously ditched the purity ring thing he and his fellow Jonas Brothers were so attached to just over 3 years ago.
Nick posed for some photos with his pants down and his hands pulling on his bulge.View image on Twitter
A lot of people aren’t really loving this look on Nick because it reminds them of Marky Mark’s very similar photos spread in the early 90s.
The difference? About 20 years and some body hair.
Marky Mark was clean shaven and chiseled while Nick has some incredibly sexy body hair and a beefier build.
Either way, we’re not complaining about anything here because the photos are a total panty dropper.
Sorry Nick, you're No Marky Mark! Justin Bieber failed!

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