Wednesday, May 28, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Patrick Frost Body Beautiful

Patrick Frost
Body Beautiful
By Christopher Uvenio
 Patrick Frost, you're a male model and personal trainer with a body so fit and sculpted that it would make women swoon and men secretly envious. Patrick Frost is trainer for the prestigious Barry's Boot Camp in New York. Despite the physical demands of his class, Patrick manages to inject fun and camaraderie into every intense session. A graduate of the rigorous American Academy of Personal Training (AAPT), his training style stems from his conviction that a hard body requires hard work...and if you work hard, you should play hard, too! With advanced moves and a no-nonsense style, the most dedicated athletes of Barry’s Bootcamp consistently flock to Patrick’s classes.      

 Tell me about yourself and where are you from and how it brought you to New York, the  Fashion Capital of the World? 
I had entered a modeling contest that got me to NYC for my first time at 20. Fell in love with the city and moved here 3 months later with no real plan….just new I wanted to make it here. 
 When was it that you got started becoming a Male Model and how did it come about?
I had tried my hand at Fashion modeling when I was 19. Didn’t have much luck until I found my fitness calling around 23. 

 When did you decided you wanna be a Personal Trainer?
About 4 years ago I knew I wanted to be a trainer. Before that though I had always played sports and was active growing up. 
When you get offered a shoot from a photo shoot, what kind of preparation do you need to do for modeling?  I eat super clean 5 days before a shoot. Usually I’m shirtless so I tend to make sure I’m leaned out before the shoot. 

What was it like doing your first photo shoot - scary, interesting, exciting, sexy? – 
It was scary but I had talked to the photographer on the phone like 5x discussing what the shoot was about and he made me very comfortable. It was at the abandoned hospital in some rural part of Georgia. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t walking into anything unexpectedly.    

What's the funniest or weirdest thing that's ever happened to you during a photo shoot?  
I legit remember thinking that this particular shoot was going to be a big deal and I was super stoked and they ended up only doing close ups of the garments and totally cut my head out of each shot…..but not in post production.. they just didn’t shoot my face in anything. I thought it was a big bizarre. haha  

What would you not wear in Public? 
There isn’t much….I’m pretty game for anything. Nothing crazy tight I guess. 

How do you keep up to date with Fashion?
I just buy what I think is cool. I’m always on the look out for interesting sweat pants or caps. Things that I can wear every day pretty much. 
Are you a Brief or a Boxer guy? 
Both actually. 

Do you eat nutritiously? How often do you exercise or go to the gym>? I have a pretty balanced diet. I don’t starve myself and if I choose to eat something a bit on the unhealthy side I go with it. I work out everyday. I vary my intensities and my methods through out the week so I don’t get burnt out.  

How do you stay in such great shape?   Share your fitness routine?
I lift heavy 4-5x a week, do 2 Barry’s classes if not more a week and I also train at a circus school doing aerial work. My body is product of movement and varying intensities. 

You love to travel? And where do you like to go? 
I love everything about traveling. My favorite place so far has been Australia. Sydney to be exact, but when I go back I’ll check out Perth and the Outback.
What is it like being a well-known Personal Trainer? 
That’s such a secondary aspect of my job. It’s nice to be respected in my community but being “well known” isn’t what I’m after. I love what I do and helping people achieve their fitness goals and staying healthy is just that. 
You must feel terrific helping your clients feel good about them selves? 
It’s the reason why I love my job. I feed off of helping others. 

Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all? I don’t do full frontal nudity. 

What do you do in leisure/spare time?
Take other group fitness classes around the city. I love to cook. It’s my go to thing if I’m feeling stressed out. Head to the kitchen, put on some music, pour a glass of wine and chef it out!
What advice would you give a newbie who's just starting in the industry - any suggestions on what to do or what to avoid? 
GET YOUR EDUCATION. Trainers get big for putting on a great show while they teach but that doesn’t mean they are qualified professionals. Lead with passion not Fluff and spread the love. Lift not only your clients up but also support your fellow instructor. Good things happen to Good people. So spread that good vibe. 
Go to Barry's Boot Camp in Chelsea or Tribeca, and find the amazing popular Patrick Frost and other personal trainers at Barry's Boot Camp! Thank you so much Patrick, now I want you to be my personal trainer! =)

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