Monday, March 31, 2014

World Premiere Interview:SuperModel Name ROCKY!

World Exclusive Interview with another Super Male Model that has been seen global from commercials to the runway. He  has been with Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, NIKE, Reebok and Fred Meyer, to name a few. At first I met Rocky Coates at the photoshoot for the Anolie Magazine summer issue and I enjoyed working with him alot! 
Than I approached his agency about Rocky and now, I have been working with him on the upcoming TV Web series debuting very soon: Fashion Insiders with Daimon Glenn & Uvenio. As the co-host of the TV Webseries, Rocky Coates have been a delight to work with. 
Thrilled  and honor to interview him and to know him more.   
Very Tall, handsome and striking features, Rocky has it all to be the Male Super Model!
 Tell me about yourself and where are you from and how it brought you to New York, the Fashion Capital of the World?

--I was born and raised in Everett Washington. It's about 15 minutes north of Seattle. After high school I attended a community college for preparation to be a fire fighter. While attending I was asked to try out for the soccer team there at Everett community College. I made the team and 2 years later graduated with an associates in Fire Science. I then was recruited to a couple private Christian schools in Portland Oregon. After the first tryout I was offered a nice size scholarship and signed to play with them. I then graduated from Warner Pacific college with a bachelor in business administration. It was around this time I had been dating a girl who thought I should model. I had no thought of ever modeling at this point however she had been one. I ended up moving to Australia and trying out for a pro team there. I would go on to make the team and play a season there then moved back to Portland for an invitational try out for the pro team in Portland. I ended up getting hurt in the tryout and could play for around 6 months. It was then I was dating a different girl who also said I should model. She then sent some pics of me she took in my house and submitted them. Before I knew it they picked me from an open call and I had 3-4 agencies world wide in no time. 

Where did you get the name of Rocky? Does it have anything to do with the Icon film of the famous boxer Rocky Balboa?

--My brothers name is Joseph Lewis and mine being Rocky that it's kind of a guess that my father was into boxing. Me being his first was possibly name after Rocky Marciano since my father was also Italian. 
     When was it that you got started becoming a Male Model and how did it come about?

--I started about 7 years ago after an old girlfriend's brother needed a model for an online t-shirt business he had started. That was my first shoot.
 Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this career?  
--I never really wanted to work as a model to be honest. I kind of fell into it and have made a lot of good friends from the industry which had made it for the most part lucrative and a fun "job".

When you get offered a shoot from a photo shoot, what kind of preparation do you need to do for modeling?

--depending on what kind of shoot it is I can go from getting in a good workout or two emphasizing on that part of my body if it's underwear or shirtless. And sometimes it's just as little as being clean shaven.
What was it like doing your first photo shoot - scary, interesting, exciting, sexy
-- since my first photo shoot was with friends/girlfriend  at the time I hadn't thought much about it prior. Like for example if it was a test shoot with a major photographer or client. It was just a shoot in different t-shirts really for the website he had started. So it was easy/laid back.

What's the funniest or weirdest thing that's ever happened to you during a photo shoot?
--possibly the weirdest thing that has happened to me during a photo shoot was when I was doing a shoot for this comedian to be his body double (they were going to use his head/upper torso and my lower body and legs. His campaign slogan was sexynurd, so before shooting they had me strip down to underwear and this girl starts spraying me with Pam cooking spray. I was wondering to myself "why isn't she using baby oil".

What companies have you modeled for?
-- I have modeled for Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, NIKE, Billionaire Boys Club, Reebok, Fred Meyer, déjenos jugar calle to name a few. 

Who are your favorite Designers?
--I'm not sure if I have favorite designers or least favorite designers because I'm pretty picky and either find things I do and don't like with a specific designer. I don't like when things become trendy and that's what a designer is known for. I like to wear what I'm feeling and not what other people are making/wearing.

What would you not wear in Public?
--I wouldn't wear Uggs (the big frumpy boots) although I do have a brown pair that I wear at home when the heat hasn't come on here in these cold NY winters. 

How do you keep up to date with Fashion?
--I don't necessarily keep up with fashion. I am living in a world where it's around me constantly but, I don't go out of my way to keep up with it really. It's kind of like "leaving my work at the office so to speak. 
Are you a Brief or a Boxer guy?
--Briefs for sure. Boxer feel like I'm wear a pair of soccer shorts under my jeans. Plus I don't like how they bunch up once you sit down. Boxers remind me of an old school mailman without any fashion sense. 

Do you eat nutritiously? How often do you exercise or go to the gym?
-- Yes, I eat nutritiously. I enjoy knowing what I'm eating is "working" somehow to aid different parts of my body. Plus, it makes me feel better than not doing so. However I'm not saying I don't get craving for candy or mochi ice cream or even Mcdonalds. Because, I do. And I get them each time. 

How do you stay in such great shape? Share your fitness routine?
--I run a few days a week with my dog as well as at the gym when I go. I go to the gym also a few days a week. I think once you've got to a point of where you want to be psychically it's easier maintaining it than reaching a goal. So it's more so maintaining what I've had since college soccer.

Do you have any limitations? 
Would you model any kind of clothing at all?
--I think I would model just about anything. I don't have too many limitations. 

What do you do in leisure/spare time?
--In my spare/leisure time I like to write stories/scripts. I have recently just finished my first script and will be sending it out to Hollywood soon. I also enjoy being a homebody and listening to music of all different kinds while I watch movies/shows with my dog. I also really enjoy playing sports of any kind. My favorites to play are basketball and soccer. I grew up playing soccer, basketball and baseball. 

What advice would you give a newbie who's just starting in the industry - any suggestions on what to do or what to avoid?
--as far as advice to a newbie, I'd say have fun and don't be nervous it shows be you. 
It's fabulous to interview Rocky Coates, and yes, he will be seen in more of the Webseries of Fashion Insiders and seen in Anolie and in my collection! Plus part 2 of the interview with Rocky will be even more amazing!

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