Wednesday, January 29, 2014

World Premiere: Uvenio co-host TV Show!!

LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Yes, I will be co-hosting a new realty show with a twist of 90's Style with Elsa Klensch, Entertainment Tonight and One on One Interviews! The Show will start filming on location in and around New York, the Fashion Capital of the World! Already booked interviews with Couture designers, premiere designers, friends, supermodels, agencies, boutiques,  and yes, filming                        New York Fashion Week starting next week!
 Yes Makeup Artist, Hairstylist, 3 Beautiful Female Models and 3 Male Models, Camera, Lighting,
Crews and lots of hours and work! Tips on Fashion! Colors! What is In and What is Out! What is expecting in Fashion! And a tour of the backstage of the Fashion Shows and Fashion Industries!
  There's No Business, Like Fashion Business!
There will be a lot of behind the scenes of the show with models, makeup artist and lots of stories to tell! 
And yes, we are working on a theme and opening for the hottest show that will have all designers from the past, present and future exclusive one on one interviews!  The the exciting show will be calls: The Fashion Insiders with Damian Glenn and Uvenio!
 the show will premiere on Friday night on April 11th!!  

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