Friday, December 6, 2013

Nick Moncada: Rising Star in Couture

I interviewed a fabulous, inspiring fashion designer in the world of Couture and Beading. Dressed in Black, as always. Handsome and debonair. He is also a twin. An FIT graduate. Create his collections that compete with Mulger, Galliano and the Lacroix. And he is also one of my best friend who was also my student over 5 years ago!  He is simply known as Nick Moncada! WORLD PREMIERE!! 

The incredible and extremely talented designer who have done such beading work and great couture craft, seen on the runway during New York Fashion Week as he worked with several top designers including Jovani, Mayda Cisneros and Roland Nivelais. Dressed in black as always and handsome with great masculine flair, I have witnessed his work for years and he is one of the rising stars! 

So tell me about yourself Nicholas Moncada! And you happen to be a twin! Are you and your brother Dominick alike or not? What are the different between you too?!    
 Now that I have finished college and have had great success along with the tribulations of industry; I find that I am an "Old Soul".  I defiantly can let go to party and relax but find that these days that the tranquility of Baroque/Classical music surrounded with beautiful treasures and visuals accomenied with a big glass of wine allow me to reach my inner self. 

     Yes, it is true that I am an identical twin; my brother, Dominic, lives in the infamous French Quarters of New Orleans, Louisiana.  We are very similar in regards that we are true to ourselves in the pursuit to success.  Everyone always thought that I would be the crazy one as I always wore black and went by my rules but have found that I am quite conservative in personal matters, whereas Dominic was at one point "Playgirl's" sexiest man of the year and a Frat kid.  

Where are you originally from and where did you study to become a designer and working in the high end fashion couture?!
    I was technically born in Denver, Colorado but was really raised my entire youth in El Paso, Texas in a Hispanic Catholic household.  Because my parents are educators, it was important to pick a career goal and nurture the skills necessary to succeed.  My mother is a dance teacher; so, about the age of 14 I was hired to be a costumer for her dance team as well as be the head costumer for my high school theatre.  Then, in my junior year of high school I enrolled myself at the local community college continuing education sewing classes.  This early start made the transition into the grueling and necessary curriculum of FIT much easier.  Starting my career in theatre and performing arts made the choice to work in the glamour of high end fashion a clear decision.  

 You are your inspirations and why? Who are the Designers you look up to and why?      
It is very hard to say as I really have several designers that inspire me but forgive the long list:

~The Craft: Charles Fredrick Worth/ Paul Poiret/ Mariano Fortuny/ Louis XIV of France/ Madame Gres 
These creators where instrumental in the creation and craftmanship that encompasses the mastery of TRUE haute couture and were true geniuses of high fashion.  I am proud to say that once, Steven Stipelman once remarked that a designer should be great at all aspect of the industry and cannot excel only in one skill.  It was the beginning of my career in my teens to have a firm understanding of the technicalities of  the creation of a work of art and still to this day believe that the true aspect of the luxury market is in the value and experience, thus the purest form of Haute Couture should never be negotiated.

~Style: Marchesa Casati, Erte, Rene Gruau, Dior ( Dior+Galliono), McQueen (Pre-Mortem), Edith Head, Theirry Mugler,  Adrian Adolph Greenberg, Lacroix 
     With a bit of darkness, chaos and more importantly- extreme glamour, these are the people that I would say truly inspire my essence of being a desinger. 

 What designers and who have you worked for? I have seen your incredible work of beading and beautiful handmade work... It must take forever to do beadings!
My first job as afforded me the opportunity to design and work with all the contempory big names of the high end industry. Each was a unique experience but help me to grow as a designer from designer for Vera, J.Mendel, C.Herrera, Marc Bouwer, Lazaro, Roland Nivelais, Alvina Valenta, Elie Tahari, Hermes, Jovani, P.Gurung and Luca Luca and M. Cisneros to name a few.  Yes, my first job was to lead a couture beading house where everything was handmade- even by myself.  I was able to meet with these design teams to help trend and create - the skills that I learned from these other designers and their processes allowed me to take from the best to use in my own offices and careers.

What do you think are the hottest Designers today and why would you name them?
    To this day I love the style of Andrew Gn, his artistry in beading, color, craftsmanship and wonderfly sell-able silhouettes are something to always watch.  As far as demographics, the Middle East will reign the most influential and produce the best glamour designers of our age such as my favorites: Elie Saab and Naeem Khan.

 What do you think would happen in the Fashion World, five years from now?
     I believe the lack of attention and discipline of the consumer will only place more stress and shorter time limits on already hectic production process and we will probably all need to learn Mandarin, soon...

 What do future designers need to know about this business instead of watching to many realty shows like Project Runway or Fashion Star?
     Like in life, we must learn to crawl before we even walk; so, to see the so called "Fashionistas" try- is tragically entertaining.  You must learn to sew and draw in a formal learning environment to convey your ideas in a clear, efficient and productive manner to a very cold, impatient and jaded work force.  Obstacles and criticism will be a daily routine, but if you are great at your craft then those trials are nothing more than just haters hating- those who are in the career for the shear vanity of saying they are a designer will be chewed up and spit out their first semester of fashion school.  Of course, if you marry rich or begin with oodles of money, then simply hire talented people and take the claim for your own....
  What would your motto or advice about the Fashion World!
    Like I quoted Professor Stipleman before, you must not be only be good with sewing or pattern making or illustrating (creative or tech) - you must be great in as many aspects of the industry as possible.  The sad reality is that the domestic work force is being outsourced more and more every day and the more you can offer - the more value you will be to your employer or even more - your design team.

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