Monday, May 7, 2012

Uvenio Black Diamond Collection

 0n a Saturday morning 3 weeks ago, Brittany, Marcia (pronounce Mar/see/a) and Siena all met me on Prince Street on teh corner in a very day in Soho..I did quick fittings, had my makeup artist Anna craete beautiful masterpieces with the faces, lipsticks, eyeshadows and yes, drama...she created drama to my  dramantic Black Diamond Collection. New York photographer Matt Brewer at his studio, ready to prep the look and was impressed with my 3 fabulous fashion models I have worked with in the past from Anna Sui and Todd 0ldham and dressed into my Black Diamond collection. And yes, I had to leave for FIT to teach my class on Saturday! While teaching my Fashion Art for Fashion Designers, I gotten text messages from Matt and Anna that the shoot was incredible and very impeccable! The shoot eneded as I arrived after class and had a quick late lunch and heard so many funny stories and fabulous stories from the models and Matt. Anna had to leave for another shoot. Matt was saying that the Models weregreat and easy to work with and was telling him stories about me being cute, funny and dramantically dressed at Anna Sui.   
Yes, I was extremely happy waiting for the prints to arrive and my newest Black diamond Collection looks spectacular by the amazing photographer Matt Brewer! And Makeup to the Nine by Anna Moors....

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