Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Great to see my former boss, ANNA SUI!

It was on a beautiful day last week, I had to run to the CFDA and met with Stan Herman, a designer legend who is one of the classiest friend I know. He always been respectful and remembers my name, who doesn't, just joking. As Anna Sui looked at me and said you look familiar, I mentioned to her that I freelanced with her a few years...than she says Christopher...I was in shocked with a smile, and she says the Draper, I said yes that was me,when I worked for her, she always loved how I was draping several of her designs a few years back....
YES! Everyone knows she is a tough designer and very talented, it was a pleasant chat I had with her for a few minutes since she and I left the CFDA building. She asked me for my business card and given her my cell number as well. (This is Anna Sui last spring Fashion week, when I attended her show and went backstage to see an old friend who does makeup for every Anna Sui's shows, below is Anna and an old friend, Deanna Perkins who done the makeups for her shows).
I of course head back to FIT and mentioned to everyone how great to see Anna Sui, a woman with such history and love her style. For a few days, I thought about the past when I was working with her, she was quite impress and called me the Draper! ;)

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